Angelica Gordon

Santa Barbara, Calif
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Santa Barbara
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    "This wine shop is a premium wine store that specializes in unique and difficult to find selections. They had a huge wine range that you could choose from and to taste as well! It is all delicious!"
    Angelica Gordon · Abril 8, 2020
    · Santa Bárbara, Estados Unidos
    "I asked your staff to give me a schedule for the HVAC air conditioning repair. I was delighted when the technician arrived and did the task immediately. You amazed me, guys. Thanks a lot!"
    Angelica Gordon · Abril 8, 2020
    Centro de negocios
    · Santa Bárbara, Estados Unidos
    "A week ago, we went to your flower shop, and everything looked beautiful! In the Flower Shop, I saw a beautiful display of different arrangements of the flowers. The staff was also very responsive!"
    Angelica Gordon · Abril 7, 2020
    · Santa Bárbara, Estados Unidos