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Anne Frank House

Casa de Ana Frank

(Anne Frank Huis)
Sitio histórico y protegido y Museo histórico
Grachtengordel-West, Amsterdam
  • Tips
    Carlos S.
    "Visita que no se puede dejar de lado si se visita esta ciudad"(16 Tips)
    Carmen R.
    "Increible conocer más del escondite e historia de Anna y su familia."(15 Tips)
    Denise S.
    "Free wifi (wi-fi gratis) within the lobby is great!"(14 Tips)
    Soni H.
    "!!Si venís a visitarlo comprar las entradas por internet"(8 Tips)
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  • Bisant K.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Bisant KaurAbril 25, 2018
    A nostalgic walk down the house occupied by Anne Frank and her family in Amsterdam. Lovely audio and pictures take us back in time to what the conditions were then.
  • Daniela K.
    Daniela KhzouzJulio 13, 2016
    Vale a pena comprar ingresso pela internet para nao ficar 2:30 na fila que nem eu! Fecha as 21:30h
  • Zara K.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Zara KhanAgosto 25, 2014
    Fantastic experience. This museum boasts the original edition of Anne's diary, including the original edition of the diaries that were translated into 70 languages.
  • Clastiche C.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Clastiche CrnJulio 21, 2016
    Musée très bien fait, beaucoup de pièces originales et des témoignages authentiques. Musée incontournable à Amsterdam.
  • Daniel H.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Daniel HenaresEnero 11, 2013
    Be prepared for long lines, but it's a must visit museum. Here you will better understand Anne's days during the War. It's impossible don't be emotional, and don't admire their love for life.
  • Ying L.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Ying LimAgosto 23, 2015
    Always purchase tickets a month or two weeks prior to make sure you don't have to stand in line. It's one of the many sad stories of WW 2. Personally Otto Frank is quite an inspiration.
  • Shannon S.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Shannon SpaniolOctubre 15, 2013
    Ha estado aquí más de 5 veces
    Don't be discouraged by the long line. From my experience it moves rather quickly (compared to other long lines.) For the quickest entrance, book tickets online well in advance and skip the wait.
  • Ema R.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Ema RadzaiEnero 19, 2016
    Learnt a lot here. Even if you dont want to go here, you should read the diary of anne frank for the historical n spiritual view and perspective during the hiding in world war II
  • Duncan H.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Duncan HowsleyAbril 13, 2016
    Essential to visit if you come to Amsterdam. Come later in the day for shorter queues (open til 10pm) and download the free Anne's Amsterdam app before arriving.
  • 🎀Ariane A.
    🎀Ariane Anderson🎀Febrero 13, 2012
    Absolutely astounding, I wanted to take a picture but out of most respect did not, this is something that everyone must experience! 5 stars, amazing! I will be back with my kids once they are grown.
  • Magali G.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Magali GonçalvesNoviembre 23, 2015
    Tente comprar ingressos antecipados, mas se não conseguir, ainda é possível visitar comprando na hora e pegando uma fila de no mínimo 1 hora. Vale a pena!
  • Thymios D.
    Thymios DragotisNoviembre 3, 2014
    If the queue is at the end of the square next to the taxi parking place, it will take you about 2hrs to enter the house. Just think about it.
  • Tracy S.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Tracy SolorzanoAbril 22, 2016
    Inspirational! I went at 9pm when the museum was closing so it was just enough time to see the whole museum and also avoid the crowds!
  • Jorge B.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Jorge BronzeSeptiembre 3, 2015
    Incredible experience. Harrowing and haunting. Get there early if you haven't booked in advance and make friends in the line - it'll make the wait more pleasant!
  • olivericono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    oliverAgosto 1, 2017
    book your tickets in advance to avoid the queue
  • S. Ö.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    S. ÖzdemirEnero 19, 2019
    Dışarıdan gayet modern bir bina, açıkçası tarihi bir yer bekliyorduk, içi nasıl bilemiyorum giremedik🤷🏻‍♀️
  • Ann-Margaret M.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    I have never read the book but the whole experience is incredibly humbling. Loved the way the whole museum is set up. A must-see for everyone - felt like a pilgrimage of sorts
  • Ioanna A.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Ioanna ADiciembre 3, 2013
    Amazing Museum! A place you definitely have to visit on your trip in Amsterdam. Feel ashamed if you don't! One of the greatest experiences in my life!
  • Emily B.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Emily BasileAgosto 28, 2016
    Really interesting look at Anne Frank's life. While there's not much in the house (her father didn't want them to recreate) still interesting to see and lots of good videos, etc
  • David A.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    David ASeptiembre 7, 2014
    If you can't get tickets to Anne Frank House buy them with the boat tour. No need to wait in line and you get scheduled time.
  • Pablo H.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Pablo HernándezDiciembre 31, 2015
    Very interesting place, imbued with History and interesting facts about a girl and her family. Very silly thing though: they don't let you take pictures. Nonsense !
  • Joaquim V.
    Joaquim VieiraFebrero 5, 2024
    Intense and recommended place to visit. Respect & enjoy the visit with a tour. Info well provided and also audiobook in several languages
  • Brittany S.
    Brittany SübersOctubre 30, 2018
    We were not able to visit the museum, but if you walk around the city be sure to take in all the historical plaques.
  • Jackie B.
    Jackie BdOMarzo 27, 2014
    Every person should be able to go to this place and feel the history alive. It's a beautiful and touching story of a group that tried everything to keep themselves and their loved ones safe.
  • Denise S.
    Denise SisonOctubre 2, 2012
    Aside from buying tickets online, when u get there, the entrance door 4 those with online tickets is different from the long queue of those buying tickets there. Free wifi within the lobby is great!
  • Jenny L.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Jenny LawJulio 1, 2015
    Originally I thought it is only a small house. Turns out it has quite a lot to see. We arrived at 8:45am but still had to wait for 2.5h to enter. There was once that we passed by at 5 but saw no queue
  • Aleksandra G.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Aleksandra GarbaczOctubre 20, 2015
    Took me 3 years to finally accept the fact i will have to wait in a never ending line in a rain, wind and 1000 of other people waiting but it was totally worth it-amazing feeling to see what u read.
  • Nars E.
    Nars EspinosaJunio 15, 2014
    Buy your tickets with time and/or online - we waited +2 hours in line. Totally worth it, but if you can save time, even better ;)
  • Bruna P.
    Bruna PilotoJulio 21, 2013
    The cue is always long during the summer. But the good thing is that it moves quite fast! I spent about 1h to get in. But inside the house was full of people. I advice to go during low season
  • Ítalo L.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    An incredible experience especially if you want to better understand what happened with millions of people. Totally worth it and btw buy the tickets online and avoid headaches.
  • Bommyicono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    BommyJulio 5, 2016
    Must have a reservation to enter before 3pm. Check online for same-day tickets the morning you want to go. Keep checking because they sell out within minutes.
  • Ана Л.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Ана ЛековићAgosto 13, 2018
    Free wifi in front of the museum entrance. When you're finishing your visit don't forget to look behind the curtains across the gift shop for a small cinema piece.
  • は
    Julio 6, 2013
    Online pre-book, inc 30 MinPgm is highly recommended. In the program the guide give us some introductory information before visiting the museum.  Either way, it's surely worth standing in long queues.
  • Wendy T.
    Wendy TauntonJulio 3, 2014
    Very enjoyable. As soon as you know you will be visiting, jump on line and pre-purchase your tickets. Our wait was almost 2-hours and I was sorry that I didn't order our tickets ahead of time.
  • John P.
    John PaulEnero 6, 2015
    Enquanto alguém espera na fila, continue na mesma calçada para tomar um bom café, desça as escadas e um senhor muito gentil lhe atenderá. Enquanto aguarda o pedido, prove cookies de graça!
  • Michi P.
    Michi PietrantoniMarzo 28, 2015
    Come early to avoid long lines. Her story is moving and being able to see the house where she hid is very interesting, but i wasnt impressed with the museum after having visited other jewish museums
  • Nikolas T.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Nikolas TapiaAbril 27, 2016
    The museum is pretty nice. The exposition can get very emotional so be prepared. If you read the book then you will recognize many things.
  • Polina
    PolinaMayo 11, 2013
    A must see museum! Very touching and thought provoking! A had tears on my eyes! In the bookshop inside you can buy her book in all languages!
  • Patricia S.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Patricia SanchezDiciembre 30, 2014
    It's a very emotional journey, the life of Anne Frank was the same for so many people during the war. Try to arrive very early or buy the tickets online because the waiting line is very long all day.
  • Paull Y.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Paull YoungJulio 8, 2018
    You can get tickets day off if you are persistent about checking the website every single hour
  • Simon O.
    Simon OpsomerMarzo 23, 2022
    A must visit when in Amsterdam. Book your tickets in advance online and there won’t be any problems when you arrive.
  • Κατεριναicono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    ΚατεριναMayo 15, 2016
    Το σπιτι που κρυβοταν η Αννα και η οικογενεια της. Οχι πολλα πραγματα να δεις. Εκτιθεται το πρωτοτυπο ημερολογιο, εχει παντα ουρα, ακριβουτσικο εισιτηριο αλλα εισαι στο Αμστερνταμ να μην το δεις????
  • _icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    _Agosto 18, 2015
    Buy tickets online in advance to avoid the massive lines. If you can't, come an hour or more before the museums opens to avoid the crazy long lines. Extremely sad and eye opening.
  • Domnule O.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Domnule ObzenJulio 22, 2015
    If you read the book, prepare your heart... It's an interesting visit but really sad. A place that everyone should visit. Totally recommended.
  • Amaurea G.
    Amaurea GaranceAbril 27, 2014
    Beaucoup, beaucoup d'attente, mais ça vaut le détout bien sûr, incontournable et émouvant. Dommage que les touristes ne soient pas toujours respectueux des lieux et des autres !
  • Daniela V.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Daniela VieiraMarzo 15, 2015
    Não deixe de ir a esse museu se você está em Amsterdã! Na lojinha que você passa no final da visita tem o livro em Português do Brasil. \o/
  • Fuyuhiko T.
    Fuyuhiko TakayaSeptiembre 21, 2017
  • Diana H.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Diana HamersAgosto 11, 2017
    Met de tijd meegaande audio app. leidt je rond in het museum. In het achterhuis beleef je hoe het geweest moet zijn. Het raakt je in het hart. Je voelt dat er op die plek geschiedenis is geschreven.
  • Alvaro B.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Alvaro BelezaAbril 11, 2016
    Visita obrigatória, mas COMPRE O INGRESSO PELO SITE ou terá que perder horas na fila do museu. Caso não encontre vaga para o dia desejado, volte ao site 5 dias antes do dia planejado para a visita.
  • Patricia A.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Patricia AssisFebrero 8, 2015
    Lugar incrível, um mergulho com a realidade vivida, vale muito a pena conhecer esse museu, sempre tem fila, mas vale a pena conhecer.
Fotos2.769 Fotos

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