El lugar es excelente si buscas electronicos, camaras laptops, cellphones, goprooo hay de todoooooo y a buenos precios , el mejor de manhattan att: un ecuatoriano 👌
El Disneylandia para fotógrafos y filmmakers, todo lo que quieras para foto, video y computación, desde los accesorios más difíciles de encontrar, hasta un lugar para probar drones. Recomendado 10/10
Hay algunas cosas más caras, pero hay muchísimos productos para fotógrafos y profesionales del área audiovisual. La tienda tiene unos carriles por donde viajan los productos al mesón de retiro.
Lejos el mejor lugar para comprar audio, video, foto y tecnología en general. No olvidar que los viernes cierran temprano y los sábados están cerradísimos.
An Aladdin’s cave of tech and photography. The staff are amazingly helpful & knowledgable plus the selection is second to none. It’s worth going just to experience the crazy overhead delivery system!
Incredible place. It's huge! I went in for film. You select what you want, get a ticket, pay at a different desk, and pick up at a third one. Well oiled machine with great selection.
A technological marvel of technological shopping. Conveyor belts overhead impossibly transport all merchandise from the well stocked sales floor directly to the counter. Lots of toys to play with too.
If you’re not impressed by the Willy Wonka conveyor belt, you are a hollow husk, devoid of whimsy. Also, you think you know everything, but a staff member will always teach you something new.
I was aware of B&H's online store but this place is just a sight to behold. I hope you've got a big wallet because there's something for everyone here!
A photographer’s holy land. You can get anything and everything photography related here. Go upstairs to talk to a sales person who can help find exactly what you need.
Outstanding service. Plenty of options in the mobile phone department. Staff was ready to answer questions, compare phones and was incredibly knowledgeable about the models' tech specs.
A fantástica fábrica de [choc..] eletrônicos. Melhor loja do mundo! Atendimento eficiente e honesto. Vários falam português. São judeus: fecham 6ª a tarde e Sáb e reabrem no Dom. Tudo aqui FUNCIONA!!
Votación a favor hace Jan 5
B&H Photo Video
420 9th Ave (at W 34th St) New York, NY10001 Estados Unidos
At B&H, we specialize in a number of world renowned brands, including Apple, Canon, Nikon, Sony, Fuji, Kodak. Leica, Olympus, Pentax, Samsung, HP, Panasonic...and many more!