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Ver todas las listas en Munfordville Brad no ha seguido a nadie todavía.
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13 lugares actualizados
13 lugares incluyendo Parque nacional de Mammoth Cave, Northside Kitchenette, Twenty Tap, Mama Corolla's Old Italian Restaurant
21 lugares actualizados
21 lugares incluyendo DJ's Hot Dog Company, The Shops at Perry Crossing, Culver's, Pizza Hut
Listas de Brad Listas que Brad creó Listas que Brad siguió
"Awesome place!"
· Gatlinburg, Estados Unidos
9.0 "The chicken is amazing! Everything I had here was good. I would definitely recommend this place if you are in the area!!!"
· Spencer, Estados Unidos
7.4 "Very nice facility."
Áreas de reposo
· Munfordville, Estados Unidos
6.9 "I know some people from the south don't care for Yats. Not everyone cooks Cajun the same... I personally love this place and the price is great for the amount of food and atmosphere you get."
· Carmel, Estados Unidos