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Comerica Park

Comerica Park

Estadio de béisbol y Campo de béisbol
Downtown Detroit, Detroit
  • Tips
    Lauren P.
    "Come Friday/Saturday for the fireworks (fuegos artificiales) after the game :)"(8 Tips)
    James P.
    "Go to the craft beer (cerveza artesanal) section and enjoy the Two Hearted Ale."(13 Tips)
    Jay C.
    "Get a beer, buy a bacon wrapped hotdog (perros calientes), take your seat & enjoy!"(15 Tips)
    "A beautiful ball park (parques) and great selection of beer!"(48 Tips)
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  • béisbol
  • parques
  • perros calientes
  • concierto
  • fuegos artificiales
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  • Angela S.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Si te gusta el béisbol debes ir. Es muy bonito y con mucha historia de jugadores.
  • Fabian S.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Fabian SanchezSeptiembre 29, 2016
    Gran ambiente, diversidad de opciones para comer y excelente infraestructura para todos
  • Frances P.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Frances PetersonAbril 8, 2017
    El ambiente y Hot Dogs
  • Juan R.
    Juan RMSeptiembre 19, 2015
    No está mal el lugar que me tocó.... Let's goTigers!
  • Mark
    MarkAbril 14, 2014
    Get tickets in the upper deck infield for a great view of the park. Try one of the new hot dogs from the "Topped Dogs" stand in the food court, and get one of the 36 beers offered at the 416 Bar.
  • Jose M.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Jose MedinaMayo 24, 2015
    There is a crazy selection of food there. Plus a great place for families. Has a carousel and ferris wheel. Plus a huge tiger in the front! Highly recommend.
    Votación a favor hace {14}Dec {Mayo10}, {2014}2024
  • Amanda M.
    Amanda MarcinekSeptiembre 1, 2012
    Comerica Park is such a great destination if you're looking for a nice night out. My family and I drove 3 hours to get here tonight and it was phenomenal. Great food/drinks, ball team, and fireworks!
  • Richard R.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Richard RevillaAgosto 21, 2018
    Go Tigers. Fountains go off when the tigers score. Really nice staduim downtown. Beer garden, carousel just fun for the whole family.
  • Matt C.
    Matt CroweAgosto 23, 2017
    One of the nicer parks in Baseball, kinda like PNC Park without the water, family friendly rides and drink options for adults. Sit in the lower bowl.
  • Jeremy W.
    Jeremy WeittingOctubre 5, 2014
    Ha estado aquí más de 25 veces
    One of my favorite stadiums to visit! So much to offer built right next to Ford field in the heart of downtown Detroit!
  • Kate H.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Kate H.Septiembre 30, 2014
    Ha estado aquí más de 10 veces
    New Amsterdam bar, right field 2nd floor, is amazing. Couches, outdoor fireplace, good views and ambiance.
  • Ricardo L.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Ricardo LucianoAbril 8, 2017
    Ha estado aquí más de 10 veces
    Excellent Stadium!!! Nice people!! I support Red Sox but it was pretty cool to attend and have a family environment!!!
  • Krystal C.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Krystal CaasiAbril 29, 2023
    Ha estado aquí más de 5 veces
    Food is expensive but so good. Fireworks on Friday night games. It’s worth it to pay the price to park in the close parking garages. Check for special promotions for free stuff at the games 😎
  • Josh W.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Josh WoodAbril 27, 2015
    You will not be able to enter with a Swiss army knife.
  • Anthony S.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Anthony SoaveAgosto 22, 2015
    Ha estado aquí más de 10 veces
    How can you not love Comerica Park?!? Can't go wrong with cheap bleacher seats too! Great views of the game!
  • Michael Dylan F.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Michael Dylan FerraraNoviembre 26, 2016
    Ha estado aquí más de 10 veces
    What a wonderful stadium. Great for families too.
    HISTORYAbril 5, 2010
    The Detroit Tigers moved into this ballpark in 2000. It seats roughly 41,000 people, has one of the largest scoreboards in sports, and features sculptures of some of the team's greatest players.
  • Kevin R.
    Kevin RickertAgosto 16, 2016
    A very nice ballpark, it has elements of Camden Yards, PNC, and AT&T Park with its very own local flair. This is by far the most family friendly ballpark I have ever been to.
  • Jessica R.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Jessica RussellSeptiembre 22, 2015
    This stadium is one of the best in the U.S. whether you're here for a Tiger baseball game or concert. Lots of amenities, any kind of food you could want, walking museum, Ferris wheel and carousel.
  • Karenicono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    KarenJunio 6, 2023
    Only saw it from the outside, but it looks like the stadium would be amazing to experience during a game. Will have to return for one!
  • John G.
    John GondaJulio 3, 2016
    Great place to watch a game. Fun place for fans of all ages to catch some baseball !
  • Michelle L.
    Michelle LAgosto 12, 2014
    Love the outside of the ballpark and all of the tiger statues everywhere. (And that's coming from an Indians fan haha)
  • Mil S.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Mil SavAbril 25, 2015
    Great location, fun ambiance, reasonable price tickets if buy from StubHub last minute (2+ hours before game), good craft brew selection, fun Tiger carousel for kids
  • John M.
    John MannSeptiembre 2, 2014
    Right next door to Ford Field. Check out Cheli's Chili Bar or Hockeytown Cafe across the street too! If you need help deciding which Seats to purchase for your next Detroit Tigers game, check out Leer más
  • John K.
    John KosterSeptiembre 11, 2014
    Great stadium, home fans very hospitable to visitors. Good ticket prices as well.
  • Lears F.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Lears FoolJunio 23, 2016
    Buy a cheap seat, then wander around this beautiful park all game long. Plenty of places to stop and eat/drink
  • Joseph C.
    Joseph ChambersMayo 28, 2016
    Love it. The venders are a bit creative and can be aggressive but the ambiance of a place is amazing. Great scenery.
  • paul t.
    paul tAgosto 23, 2014
    Ha estado aquí más de 5 veces
    There actually are many good craft beers at the baseball games to choose from. 🍺
  • Billy A.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Billy AmpMayo 2, 2017
    What a Beautiful stadium right in the middle of Detroit! Doesn't get any better behind home plate. Give Paws a high five for me 🙌
  • Michael H.
    Michael HoldsworthMarzo 5, 2018
    Lovely ballpark. Tigers, tigers everywhere! Handily located for downtown as well.
  • Jake S.
    Jake SmithJulio 27, 2013
    Catch some of the game in front of the Wall of Fame statues in center field or from the Pepsi Porch.
  • Len S.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Len SchmidtAgosto 22, 2013
    Ha estado aquí más de 10 veces
    If you see the Chipwich guy grab him and never let him him go. It is a glorious thing, as rare and as beautiful as the setting sun. Savor it. Love it. Eat it.
  • Dean H.
    Dean HenryAgosto 26, 2016
    we buy the cheapest ticket available, then hangout in The Tiger Den above right field; great open air bar, couches, tables, big screen TV's. Wander around the ballpark
  • Sarah S.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Sarah StricklandAgosto 14, 2014
    Never had a seat with a bad view, of either the game or the city.
  • Colin B.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Colin BattershellAbril 23, 2013
    Ha estado aquí más de 100 veces
    Try the Michigan Craft Beer store under the Jungle. Bacon on a stick!
  • Dennis H.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Dennis H.Mayo 31, 2016
    Ha estado aquí más de 5 veces
    Bring your own water/pop in your bags. As long as they are unopened it'll pass security as you enter. 20oz. Bottles on the park are $5 each in 2016!
  • jeni g.
    jeni gAbril 7, 2013
    Sitting near Yankess fans when their team is losing is the best! And then they heckle that poor #36 guy.......hilarious! Tigers ate 'em up!
  • Samir N.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Samir NazirSeptiembre 12, 2016
    Ha estado aquí más de 5 veces
    Beautiful with not a bad seat in the house. Bonus points for having a solid selection of craft beers.
  • ESPN
    ESPNAgosto 18, 2011
    Ha estado aquí más de 5 veces
    There are nine humongous tiger statues scattered throughout the park. Along the outside walls, you can also find thirty-three tiger heads with lighted baseballs in their mouths. Roar, indeed.
  • Andrew S.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Andrew SprungAgosto 23, 2016
    Ha estado aquí más de 5 veces
    Best place in America to catch a baseball game. Great food, great beer options and spectacular views!!
  • Sarah C.
    Sarah CoxAbril 28, 2013
    Ha estado aquí más de 10 veces
    Go to craft beer stand near section 104. Bacon on a stick! Oh and beer that beats the usual Miller Lite options.
  • janelle g.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    janelle guntherAgosto 26, 2016
    Michigan craft brews near the right field entrance gate
  • Thomas P.
    Thomas PaserbaJunio 23, 2014
    great field, good concession stands and beer selection. Way too many tiger statues outside though. We would understand you are the Tigers without 100 Tigers outside
  • Kevin V.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Kevin VincentFebrero 2, 2015
    Be sure to get a commemorative certificate for your first game at guest services. Also be sure to check of the D shop they have cool memorabilia.
  • annalisa b.
    annalisa bluhmJulio 7, 2010
    Ha estado aquí más de 10 veces
    Go up to the 3rd level, there's a great little bar with good drinks and air conditioning! also get the chips and garden fresh salsa and chicken strips - best deals in park!
  • Michael R.
    Michael RotgersSeptiembre 22, 2013
    Great time and great experience. Seriously, there's not a bad seat in the place. You can see everything no matter where you sit.
  • VisitDetroit
    VisitDetroitJunio 5, 2012
    Hang out with Paws, eat all the delicious snacks Comerica Park has to offer and maybe catch a home run ball. And on Sunday games, kids can even run the bases.
  • Ella H.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Ella HowdJulio 19, 2022
    This place is HUGE. Tons of places to grab food and drinks but lines tend to be long and water is almost $6. I was VERY impressed with how clean they kept the bathrooms.
  • Cave C.
    Cave CanemAbril 24, 2012
    The best hotdogs in the joint are sold by the man in the Black Pants and Red Striped Shirt don't waste your time in line cold souless dogs from those behind the counters! lol
  • Lou A.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Lou ArcaroMayo 18, 2017
    Great day for a game! The Champion's Club is the absolute best. Thanks to my relatives for the tickets.
Fotos9.217 Fotos

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