Daoud Sutton

Daoud Sutton

Brooklyn, NY
  • 5 tips
  • 38 seguidores
  • 43 siguiendo
  • 2 Listas

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Las mejores ciudades de Daoud
2 Tips
Toms River
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Daoud Sutton
4 lugares actualizados
4 lugares incluyendo Starbucks, Castros, Richardo's Home, Zara
Daoud Sutton
4 lugares actualizados
4 lugares incluyendo Apollo Theater, Fort Hamilton Sports & Fitness Center, Classic Seville wash, My Atl Hideout
Listas de DaoudListas que Daoud creóListas que Daoud siguió
"The staff at Macys need a massive customer service training, or management/corporate need to revamp their work policies."
Daoud SuttonDaoud Sutton · Junio 28, 2014
Centro comercial
· Brooklyn, Estados Unidos
"Walk with your check book."
Daoud SuttonDaoud Sutton · Febrero 22, 2014
Reparación de automóviles
· Toms River, Estados Unidos
"Dusty Inn without a working elevator, should be the name. Suggestion, close until renovations are complete."
Daoud SuttonDaoud Sutton · Septiembre 1, 2013
"Check out is the best and healthiest step here. The elevators or elevator only worked half the time of my stay. Dust is everywhere due to renovations, and they can't even get their name correct."
Daoud SuttonDaoud Sutton · Septiembre 1, 2013
"Too much damn traffic on the Major Deagan."
Daoud SuttonDaoud Sutton · Octubre 9, 2011
· Estados Unidos