Gluten allergies beware! Even though they list the ingredients of the soup on the label they tend to omit the word "flour." Make sure you ask behind the counter before picking a soup!
Great selection of imported teas from well-known international brands. If you stay in there too long, you'll end up buying lots of delectable goodies like me!
I recently discovered their half a bagel with cream cheese, tom, lox, dill and capers (to the right of the prepared foods counter). This is my new goto lunch.
Nedense Dean Deluca'ya girince kendimi bir nevi İzmir'de ki Amerikan pasajına girmiş gibi hissediyorum, nerede uzak bir ülke varsa onun ürünü alıyorum. İnsanoğlu hep bir tatminsiz.
Visit prepared foods & order "the fullest 1/2 pound of Paella you can possibly give me" and have them heat it up. Eat it standing at the bar while people-watching Broadway out their windows.
Visit the cheese counter and chat with the cheese monger Greg. Tell him what sorts of cheese you like and he's sure to give you a sample of something that will blow you away Leer más