RA - Japan
WOMB is one of RA - Japan.


円山町2-16 (スタジオアリアス 1F), 渋谷区, 東京都
Club nocturno · 67 tips y reseñas

Samuel O.Samuel Osorio: This is one of the Best clubs in Tokyo!!!Great for house, techno and a special place for drum&bass. Three floors in here, small lounge, main dancing floor and small bar on the third.

Contact Tokyo is one of RA - Japan.

2. Contact Tokyo

道玄坂2-10-12 (新大宗ビル4号館 B2F), Tokio, 東京都
Club nocturno · 道玄坂 · 8 tips y reseñas

Evgeniy D.Evgeniy Dankovtsev: If you are into quality house and boogie music I strongly recommend this venue.Cocktails are fail (too simple yet expensive) but crowd+djs totaly owns it, rare danceable selection of boogie and house.

代官山 UNIT is one of RA - Japan.

3. 代官山 UNIT

恵比寿西1-34-17 (Za HOUSE BLD. B1F), 渋谷区, 東京都
Club de rock · 19 tips y reseñas

Gulbin H.Gulbin Him: Spacious venue for concerts and DJ events. Sound system is good

ageHa is one of RA - Japan.

4. ageHa

新木場2-2-10 (スタジオコースト), 江東区, 東京都
Club nocturno · 25 tips y reseñas

CNNCNN: Anyone who thinks youth is wasted on the young might find contradictory evidence if they make the trek out to ageHa, a large venue in east Tokyo with multiple dance floors, rooms and a pool. Leer más.

VENT is one of RA - Japan.


南青山3-18-19 (フェスタ表参道ビル B1F), Tokio, 東京都
Club nocturno · 青山 · 2 tips y reseñas

Antoine R.Antoine Rnd: Very nice club with good line ups. Nice modern design, good crowd and a cool bar room upstairs

DOMMUNE is one of RA - Japan.


東4-6-5 (サンライズビル B1F), Tokio, 東京都
Club nocturno · 渋谷区 · 4 tips y reseñas

Leonard L.Leonard Lin: Stairs are to the left of the main entrance. Look for the shield sign.

LIQUIDROOM is one of RA - Japan.


東3-16-6, Tokio, 東京都
Club de rock · 渋谷区 · 31 tips y reseñas

SonyMobileWTA M.SonyMobileWTA Manager: Liquidroom is both a club and a music stage. It's recommended to buy tickets as early as possible for the live music acts!

CIRCUS Tokyo is one of RA - Japan.

8. CIRCUS Tokyo

渋谷3-26-16, 渋谷区, 東京都
Club nocturno · 8 tips y reseñas

Yurika S.Yurika Starr: Music depends on the night and the event but nice venue and smoking area is closed off so you don’t have to go home smelling like an ashtray

OATH is one of RA - Japan.


渋谷4-5-9 (青山ビル 1F), 渋谷区, 東京都
Club nocturno · 12 tips y reseñas

Abby G.Abby G.: great music

Red Bar is one of RA - Japan.

10. Red Bar

渋谷4-5-9 (青山ビル1F), 渋谷区, 東京都
Bar · 3 tips y reseñas

GiacsonGiacson: One of my favorite bars worldwide!!super small and crazy interiors...as the clientele!opened only after 12:30/01:00 am until sunrise...dont spread out too much this secret

CIRCUS OSAKA is one of RA - Japan.


中央区西心斎橋1-8-16 (中西ビル 2F), Osaka, 大阪府
Club nocturno · アメリカ村 · 23 tips y reseñas

David E.David Ensor: Small club with great international DJ line ups. A lovely change from regular Japanese EDM clubs. Check the listings to see who is playing to see if you like the genre.

CLUB METRO is one of RA - Japan.


左京区下堤町82 (恵比須ビル B1F), Kioto, 京都府
Club nocturno · 16 tips y reseñas

Maia W.Maia Wailana: live band & dj combo and a great spot for a balance age range not just the young ones jumping around! Kyoto girls makes me feel like i am back in California they are more fun than the girls in Tokyo!

Troop Cafe is one of RA - Japan.

13. Troop Cafe

中央区北長狭通2-11-5 (グランドコーストビル B1F), Kōbe, 兵庫県
Club nocturno · 中央区 · 2 tips y reseñas

audiofamiliesaudiofamilies: Bass Culture boss D'julz recommends this play if you want to hear quality djs in Osaka Leer más.

Compufunk Records is one of RA - Japan.

14. Compufunk Records

中央区北浜東1-29 (GROW北浜ビル), Osaka, 大阪府
Tienda de discos · 中央区 · 21 tips y reseñas

Gryphin R.Gryphin Rockohmaru: 老舗レコード屋さんです!house、technoなど。

TRIANGLE is one of RA - Japan.


中央区西心斎橋2-18-5 (RIBIAビル 3F-5F), Osaka, 大阪府
Club de rock · アメリカ村 · 8 tips y reseñas

Tim F.Tim Fieldes: My personal favourite of the electronic music scene in Osaka. Grassroots drumnbass, electro, minimal and dubstep without the fuss. 500yen drinks= an absolute steal.

ALZAR is one of RA - Japan.


中央区道頓堀2-3-28 (ニュージャパンビル 8F), Osaka, 大阪府
Club nocturno · 道頓堀 · 3 tips y reseñas
Noon + Cafe is one of RA - Japan.

17. Noon + Cafe

北区中崎西3-3-8 (JR京都線高架下), Osaka, 大阪府
Club nocturno · 梅田 · 20 tips y reseñas

JM D.JM Diaz: Good place... Much recommended. Good drinks, great atmosphere.

World Kyoto is one of RA - Japan.

18. World Kyoto

下京区真町97 (イマージアムビル B2F-2F), Kioto, 京都府
Club nocturno · 5 tips y reseñas

Bobby C.Bobby Cray: Good place. Foreigners welcomes. Not that expensive at entrance. Always nice to see or meet up with friends in this place.

DJ BAR Bridge is one of RA - Japan.

19. DJ BAR Bridge

渋谷1-25-6 (渋谷パークサイド共同ビル 10F), Tokio, 東京都
Club nocturno · 宇田川町 · 5 tips y reseñas
AOYAMA TUNNEL is one of RA - Japan.


渋谷4-5-9 (青山ビル B1F), 渋谷区, 東京都
Club nocturno · 7 tips y reseñas