Froilan Santos

Froilan Santos

Rowland Heights, CA
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"Their mini is almost the same size as L&L's regular, but has the same price as L&L's mini. Hmm, I think that says it all right there."
Froilan SantosFroilan Santos · Noviembre 17, 2011
· Walnut, Estados Unidos
"Been looking for a place to get a good hair cut and finally found one a couple years ago. This urban barber shop gives the cleanest fades, tapers, and lineups. Tip em well!"
Froilan SantosFroilan Santos · Noviembre 16, 2011
· Pomona, Estados Unidos
"The bad: its located 5-10 minutes off the strip. The good: its on the way back home (CA), never-ending crab legs and prime rib, and beer and wine included. Probably one of the best for its price."
Froilan SantosFroilan Santos · Noviembre 16, 2011
· Henderson, Estados Unidos
"Best deal when it comes to getting an oil change. $20 gets you 4 quarts, a window cleaning and they even vacuum your interior. Make sure its only an oil change though and they don't do anything else."
Froilan SantosFroilan Santos · Septiembre 30, 2011
Reparación de automóviles
· Walnut, Estados Unidos