Lugares favoritos de Carl
Irish National War Memorial Gardens is one of Lugares favoritos de Carl.

1. Irish National War Memorial Gardens

Gairdíní Náisiúnta Cuimhneacháin Cogaidh na hÉireann, Islandbridge, Dublín, Dublin City
Jardín · Kilmainham · 11 tips y reseñas

Carl G.Carl Griffin: Pretty memorial gardens. Lovely floral displays.

Iveagh Gardens is one of Lugares favoritos de Carl.

2. Iveagh Gardens

Clonmel St, Dublin
Parque · South-East Inner City · 27 tips y reseñas

Carl G.Carl Griffin: One of the quieter yet most picturesque parks.

Phoenix Park, Park Gate St. Entrance is one of Lugares favoritos de Carl.

3. Phoenix Park, Park Gate St. Entrance

Park Gate St, Dublín, Dublin City
Sitio histórico y protegido · Phoenix Park · 15 tips y reseñas

Carl G.Carl Griffin: Beautiful park complete with herds of deer.

4. Guinness Storehouse

St James's Gate, Dublín, Dublin City
Cervecera · South-West Inner City · 566 tips y reseñas

Carl G.Carl Griffin: Excellent interactive visitor attraction.

St Stephen's Green is one of Lugares favoritos de Carl.

5. St Stephen's Green

Faiche Stiabhna, Dublín, Dublin City
Parque · South-East Inner City · 185 tips y reseñas

Carl G.Carl Griffin: Nicest city centre park.

Phoenix Park is one of Lugares favoritos de Carl.

6. Phoenix Park

Parkgate St, Dublín, Dublin City
Parque · Phoenix Park · 117 tips y reseñas

Carl G.Carl Griffin: Huge park full of herds of deer.

Big Ben Pub is one of Lugares favoritos de Carl.

7. Big Ben Pub

Tirana, Qarku i Tiranës
Pub · 10 tips y reseñas

8. United Colors of Benetton

Ruga M.peza 2a, Tirana, Qarku i Tiranës
Tienda de ropa · 1 tip

Carl G.Carl Griffin: Pretty fashionable, good quality clothing.

9. Burger King

Tirana, Qarku i Tiranës
Sin categoría · 1 tip

Carl G.Carl Griffin: Tasty burgers and chips. Cheese burgers are superb.

Sheshi 21 Dhjetori is one of Lugares favoritos de Carl.

10. Sheshi 21 Dhjetori

Sheshi 21 Dhjetori (Rruga e Kavajes), Tirana, Qarku i Tiranës
Plaza · 1 tip

Carl G.Carl Griffin: Busy bustling square.

Bibloteka Kombetare is one of Lugares favoritos de Carl.

11. Bibloteka Kombetare

Tirana, Qarku i Tiranës
Biblioteca universitaria · 1 tip

Carl G.Carl Griffin: Brilliant collection of books. Good English section.

tirana backpackers is one of Lugares favoritos de Carl.

12. tirana backpackers

Rruga E Bogdanëve, Tirana, Qarku i Tiranës
Albergue juvenil · 3 tips y reseñas

Carl G.Carl Griffin: Great friendly hostel. Well positioned.

Varrezat is one of Lugares favoritos de Carl.

13. Varrezat

Tirana, Qarku i Tiranës
Cementerio · 1 tip

Carl G.Carl Griffin: Very pleasant cemetary. Huge Mother Albania statue dominates.

Green Park is one of Lugares favoritos de Carl.

14. Green Park

Artificial Lake, Tirana, Qarku i Tiranës
Cafetería · 3 tips y reseñas

Carl G.Carl Griffin: Great place for a peaceful stroll.

15. Teatri Veror/Universiteti i Arteve

Akademia Arteve
Cine · 1 tip

Carl G.Carl Griffin: Great place for the arts.

Kuvendi i Shqiperise is one of Lugares favoritos de Carl.

16. Kuvendi i Shqiperise

Bulevardi Deshmoret e Kombit (Rruga George W. Bush), Tirana, Qarku i Tiranës
Edificio gubernamental · 1 tip

Carl G.Carl Griffin: One of the nicer modern buildings in Tirana.

Teatri Kombetar i Operas dhe i Baletit is one of Lugares favoritos de Carl.

17. Teatri Kombetar i Operas dhe i Baletit

Sheshi Skenderbej (Rruga e Dibres), Tirana, Qarku i Tiranës
Teatro de ópera · 3 tips y reseñas

Carl G.Carl Griffin: Great place to catch a performance. Good value.

Katedralja Ortodokse is one of Lugares favoritos de Carl.

18. Katedralja Ortodokse

Rruga Ibrahim Rugova (Rruga Myslym Shyri), Tirana, Qarku i Tiranës
Iglesia · 6 tips y reseñas

Carl G.Carl Griffin: Very modern cathedral. Only recently finished.

One Stop is one of Lugares favoritos de Carl.

19. One Stop

Rruga Sulejman Pasha, Tirana, Qarku i Tiranës
Mercado · 2 tips y reseñas

Carl G.Carl Griffin: Good place to pick up a few snacks.

Rinas Express is one of Lugares favoritos de Carl.

20. Rinas Express

Rinas, Qarku i Durrësit
Línea de autobús · 1 tip

Carl G.Carl Griffin: Bus that gets you to the airport.

Aeroporti Ndërkombëtar i Tiranës Nënë Tereza (TIA) is one of Lugares favoritos de Carl.

21. Aeroporti Ndërkombëtar i Tiranës Nënë Tereza (TIA)

Ruga Nene Tereza, Tirana, Qarku i Tiranës
Aeropuerto internacional · 81 tips y reseñas

Carl G.Carl Griffin: Small airport. Quick to get through security.

Ura e Tabakeve is one of Lugares favoritos de Carl.

22. Ura e Tabakeve

can help (Rruga Fiona Pustina), Tirana, Qarku i Tiranës
Puente · 2 tips y reseñas

Carl G.Carl Griffin: Lovely old bridge clinging on in its modern surroundings.

Kulla e Shahatit (Clock Tower of Tirana) is one of Lugares favoritos de Carl.

23. Kulla e Shahatit (Clock Tower of Tirana)

Nentori, Tirana, Qarku i Tiranës
Sitio histórico y protegido · 2 tips y reseñas

Carl G.Carl Griffin: Climb to the top for excellent views of the square.

Mezquita de Et'hem Bey is one of Lugares favoritos de Carl.

24. Mezquita de Et'hem Bey

(Xhamia e Et'hem Beut)
Sheshi Skënderbej, Tirana, Qarku i Tiranës
Mezquita · 16 tips y reseñas

Carl G.Carl Griffin: Spared destruction during the atheism campaign due to its cultural monument status.

Muzeu Historik Kombëtar is one of Lugares favoritos de Carl.

25. Muzeu Historik Kombëtar

Sheshi Skenderbej, Tirana, Qarku i Tiranës
Museo histórico · 15 tips y reseñas

Carl G.Carl Griffin: Wonderful mosaic on the facade.

Muzeu Arkeologjik Kombëtar is one of Lugares favoritos de Carl.

26. Muzeu Arkeologjik Kombëtar

Sheshi Nënë Tereza (Bulevardi Dëshmorët e Kombit), Tirana, Qarku i Tiranës
Museo histórico · 1 tip

Carl G.Carl Griffin: Impressive collection but a little lacking in descriptions.

27. The Palace of Congressea

Bulevardi Deshmoret e Kombit, Tirana, Qarku i Tiranës
Edificio del Capitolio · 1 tip

Carl G.Carl Griffin: Interesting parliament building.

28. Galeria Kombëtare e Arteve - National Gallery of Arts

Bulevardi Dëshmorët e Kombit, Tirana, Qarku i Tiranës
Galería de arte · 3 tips y reseñas

Carl G.Carl Griffin: Rotating exhibitions from the last 2 centuries of Albanian art.

Teatri Kombetar is one of Lugares favoritos de Carl.

29. Teatri Kombetar

Tirana, Qarku i Tiranës
Teatro · 3 tips y reseñas