Harith Akmal

Harith Akmal


Shah alam, Malaysia
  • 4 tips
  • 130 seguidores
  • 103 siguiendo
  • 2 Listas

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Shah Alam
3 Tips
Harith Akmal
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1 lugar incluyendo Harith Spot :D
Harith Akmal
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"Parents. Do take care of your child while in the mosque. This is house of allah not a playground. Please respect the place."
Harith AkmalHarith Akmal · Julio 30, 2013
· Shah Alam, Malasia
"Bawak tissue sendiri ... Tandas asik xde ._."
Harith AkmalHarith Akmal · Julio 19, 2011
· Shah Alam, Malasia
"Play ps :D"
Harith AkmalHarith Akmal · Julio 13, 2011
Casa (privada)
· Malasia
"When u wan to enter read the notice at the door :D"
Harith AkmalHarith Akmal · Abril 28, 2011
· Shah Alam, Malasia