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iFLY - SF Bay

iFLY - SF Bay

Otros lugares al aire libre, Arte y entretenimiento y Gimnasio y estudio
Union City
  • Tips
    Jennifer T.
    "great time indoor skydiving....the instructors (instructores)"(3 Tips)
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  • AskMen
    AskMenNoviembre 9, 2011
    You can experience the sensation of free-falling, & doing aerial acrobatics, after a short instructional session. It's easier than you'd think to rotate like a propeller, but flips, don't even try. Leer más
    Votación a favor3Votación en contra
  • Toland H.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Toland HonEnero 19, 2016
    The extra $10 for the higher tandem free fall is definitely worth it.
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  • Shidij R.
    Shidij ROctubre 7, 2012
    Definite fun. Almost anyone can enjoy and will live. Seems like there is never enough flight time cuz it's so fun !!
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  • Safelite AutoGlass
    Safelite AutoGlassEnero 16, 2012
    An absolute must for any resident or tourist - The closest I'll ever get to actual skydiving. It's exhilarating! - Suggested tip from Jennifer K., Safelite associate
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  • Jay L.
    Jay LiewJunio 21, 2012
    check in on Facebook and show them that you did - and get a freebie digital pic
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  • Douglas G.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Douglas GrayDiciembre 31, 2016
    Great for team building events.
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  • Jennifer T.
    Jennifer ThomasMayo 24, 2011
    Me and my co-workers just had a great time indoor skydiving....the instructors make it so fun!!!!!
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  • Vivian L.
    Vivian LiEnero 2, 2013
    Tie your hair up because it gets really really tangled!
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  • George M.
    George MontemayorNoviembre 4, 2011
    This place is not baby-friendly. They made me drag the stroller up the stairs to the observation deck.
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  • John P.
    John PearsonAgosto 23, 2014
    Great time!
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  • Annie A.
    Annie AlfstadOctubre 27, 2010
    So much fun!! The experience is def worth $$!! Ask for Noah!
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  • Jobert A.
    Jobert AtienzaFebrero 23, 2010
    Great for groups! The optional DVD is a bit o a letdown; better just to bring your own camera.
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  • Tayo T.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Tayo TowolawiAbril 19, 2013
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  • Michael L.
    Michael LastellaFebrero 19, 2012
    Highly recommend!
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  • Matt C.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Matt C.Septiembre 21, 2014
    Ready to fly.
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  • Gloria Y.
    Gloria YAgosto 2, 2011
    Great Fun for the kiddos!
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  • ophiesay
    ophiesayJunio 23, 2011
    Madison was great!
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  • Justin G.
    Justin GJunio 19, 2010
    Don't get Madison as your instructor. Leer más
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  • Jim W.
    Jim WoodburyOctubre 12, 2010
    Try to get Jason for your instructor.
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  • heather l.
    heather leeOctubre 7, 2010
    service is okay, not return phone calls quick enough for the information.
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