Exploring the Past (April 2014). A heaven of flower scents, candlelight and the sounds of running water create a unique atmosphere reflecting the charm of an original Islamic garden set in the past. Leer más
Tarihin içinde yolculuk bu olsa gerek; Osmanlı kültürünü bu denli yakın gözlemlek ve yaşama fırsatı bulmak icin harika bir yapı. Kalmasanız da gezmeye bu atmosferi görmeye gelin muhakkak!
Πολύ ωραίος χώρος και ιστορικός αλλα το το μισό κτήριο και ιδίως τα πιο όμορφα σημεία του hotel ειναι κλειστά - prive μόνο για τους ενοίκους του ξενοδοχείου Κιτς αντιλήψεις άλλης εποχής
Nice decor&view,5€ for a glass of orange juice.Very rude staff (reception lady seems to have a stick up her ass) Tip: you'd better be expensively dressed&hold a designer bag not to get strange looks..