Grim Aries

1. Saujana Utama Mosque

SU2, Sungai Buloh, Selangor
Estructura · 1 tip

irman r.irman ramli: Home sweet muffin home.

2. Nasi Kukus Ayam Goreng Berempah Azizah

Saujana Utama
Local de pollo frito · 2 tips y reseñas

irman r.irman ramli: Nasi kukus terbaek dr ladang.Youch!!.

Jalan DC 2/21 is one of Grim Aries.

3. Jalan DC 2/21

Sungai Buloh, Selangor
Carretera · 1 tip

irman r.irman ramli: Jln yg berhubung dgn saujana utama.

Masjid An-Nur Seri Pagi, Sg Buloh is one of Grim Aries.

4. Masjid An-Nur Seri Pagi, Sg Buloh

Saujana Utama (Jalan Seri Pagi), Sungai Buloh, Selangor
Servicios comerciales y profesionales · 3 tips y reseñas

irman r.irman ramli: Satu lg tmpt ibadah yg harus dilawati.kalau dtg saujana jgn lupa singah ye.

5. Hijas Super Bazaar

No. 1 Jalan 1/2 (Desa Coalfields), Sungai Buloh, Selangor
Tienda de golosinas · 2 tips y reseñas

ikiranaikirana: Ada mesin potostet

Saujana Utama is one of Grim Aries.

6. Saujana Utama

Sungai Buloh, Selangor
Casa (privada) · 6 tips y reseñas

Cik N.Cik Nina: nk siap2 daa... But kepala berat sgt..

MyMydin is one of Grim Aries.

7. MyMydin

58-64, Jalan Bidara 6/3 (Saujana Utama 3), Sungai Buloh, Selangor
Tienda de autoservicio · 7 tips y reseñas

nonie a.nonie ahmat: barang lengkap....tak ramai org :)

Central Mart is one of Grim Aries.

8. Central Mart

2 Jalan Jati 2 (Saujana Utama), Sungai Buloh, Selangor
Gran tienda · 8 tips y reseñas

Azlin M.Azlin Mardiana: Buka booth sini pun ok

Pasar Malam Saujana Utama is one of Grim Aries.

9. Pasar Malam Saujana Utama

Puesto de pescado · 12 tips y reseñas

zasha s.zasha samad: want to buy my fish stocks...

Central Mart is one of Grim Aries.

10. Central Mart

2 Jalan Jati 2 (Saujana Utama), Sungai Buloh, Selangor
Gran tienda · 8 tips y reseñas

Nur Atiqah Cordelia P.Nur Atiqah Cordelia Pedley: Prices are reasonable & you can get most of your groceries done here. Only thing slacking is their air condition system.

Casa Putra Bistro Saujana Utama Club is one of Grim Aries.

11. Casa Putra Bistro Saujana Utama Club

Saujana Utama
Café · 11 tips y reseñas

Rita L.Rita Luv: Life band is quite gud while d wifi is superb strong network do come n spoiled ur self wif a soft n cheesy nan here ....

12. Club House SBCR

Piscina · 5 tips y reseñas

Nabella R.Nabella Rose: swimming :)

Restoran Fareed is one of Grim Aries.

13. Restoran Fareed

Saujana Utama, Sungai Buloh, Selangor
Restaurante malayo · 35 tips y reseñas

hanjiechan i.hanjiechan isaac: Western ade,eastern pown ade..price is reasonable..

Restoran A Maju Ahmad is one of Grim Aries.

14. Restoran A Maju Ahmad

in front Penjara Sungai Buloh (Jalan Sungai Buloh), Sungai Buloh, Selangor
Restaurante malayo · 10 tips y reseñas

Aishah I.Aishah Ibrahim: Roti canai jugak

KFC is one of Grim Aries.

15. KFC

Saujana Utama, Sungai Buloh, Selangor
Restaurante de comida rápida · 30 tips y reseñas

Nuryaveiel E.Nuryaveiel Evenstar: Service baru.. Slow skit

Rest. Selera Bonda, Saujana Utama is one of Grim Aries.

16. Rest. Selera Bonda, Saujana Utama

Café · 13 tips y reseñas

ReenaReena: Harga Teh Tarik RM1.50 Nasi Lemak RM4.00? Gile Mahal utk sarapan hokeh :P Nasiblah rasa makanan hokeh -_-

Econsave Alam Jaya is one of Grim Aries.

17. Econsave Alam Jaya

Jalan PPAJ 1, Bandar Puncak Alam, Selangor
Gran tienda · 29 tips y reseñas

Emy Y.Emy Yusof: Seronok sgt shopping kat sini. Kahkahkah!

Bandar Tasik Puteri is one of Grim Aries.

18. Bandar Tasik Puteri

Selangor, Selangor
Pueblo · 4 tips y reseñas

Aesya B.Aesya Bahrin: Cousins

Econsave Alam Jaya is one of Grim Aries.

19. Econsave Alam Jaya

Jalan PPAJ 1, Bandar Puncak Alam, Selangor
Gran tienda · 29 tips y reseñas

Norhidayah K.Norhidayah Khamar Ludin: Cashier macam budak baru lepas SPM je. Slow motion.

Southern Thai Recipe is one of Grim Aries.

20. Southern Thai Recipe

Jalan Bukit Cerakah, Shah Alam, Selangor
Restaurante asiático · 11 tips y reseñas

Sumayyah A.Sumayyah Abdul rahman: Nasi goreng kerabu sedap

Swimming pool, perdana park. is one of Grim Aries.

Sue A.Sue Anne: Adik mnd kolam...

Uptown Bandar Tasik Puteri is one of Grim Aries.

22. Uptown Bandar Tasik Puteri

Foodcourt Bandar Tasik Puteri, Rawang, Selangor
Bar al aire libre · 2 tips y reseñas

Deyla A.Deyla Aziz: Sumpah bosan.

Klinik Rozita is one of Grim Aries.

23. Klinik Rozita

Jalan Bidara (Saujana Utama), Sungai Buloh, Selangor
Centro médico · 1 tip

irman r.irman ramli: Servis terbaek dr mereka yg bertauliah,nurse nya pn cute like baby face!.I like that ..

Taman Permainan Kanak-Kanak SU3 is one of Grim Aries.

J0€|<I<|R0( |<J0€|<I<|R0( |<: Have fun here.. Ade gelongsor color2, buian utk 2 budak,jongkang jongket burung,dan serba serbi tmpt utk workout.. Dtg lah beramai-ramai bwk kids.. Free for live 

Cool Blog Dewan Angsana KPA is one of Grim Aries.

25. Cool Blog Dewan Angsana KPA

Confitería · 7 tips y reseñas

Melissa Aina M.Melissa Aina Mohd Yusof: It's much cheaper than the outside one.

Restoran Maju Ahmad Saujana Utama is one of Grim Aries.

26. Restoran Maju Ahmad Saujana Utama

Lorong Elmina 2, Sungai Buloh, Selangor
Restaurante indio · 81 tips y reseñas

27. Iris Apartment Block B

saujana utama
Estructura · 1 tip

irman r.irman ramli: Kawasan apartment penduduk setempat.

Saujana Utama is one of Grim Aries.

28. Saujana Utama

Sungai Buloh, Selangor
Casa (privada) · 6 tips y reseñas
Central Mart is one of Grim Aries.

29. Central Mart

2 Jalan Jati 2 (Saujana Utama), Sungai Buloh, Selangor
Gran tienda · 8 tips y reseñas
Restoran Fareed is one of Grim Aries.

30. Restoran Fareed

Saujana Utama, Sungai Buloh, Selangor
Restaurante malayo · 35 tips y reseñas
Restoran Fareed is one of Grim Aries.

31. Restoran Fareed

Saujana Utama, Sungai Buloh, Selangor
Restaurante malayo · 35 tips y reseñas

Rita L.Rita Luv: Nice tosai but must hv d coconut sauce hermmmm,,,,

32. Club House SBCR

Piscina · 5 tips y reseñas
Southern Thai Recipe is one of Grim Aries.

33. Southern Thai Recipe

Jalan Bukit Cerakah, Shah Alam, Selangor
Restaurante asiático · 11 tips y reseñas
Sungkai is one of Grim Aries.

34. Sungkai

Ciudad · 14 tips y reseñas

irman r.irman ramli: Home sweet hometown.

Perak is one of Grim Aries.

35. Perak

Plaza · No hay tips ni reseñas