Jane Schildroth

Jane Schildroth


Cedar Rapids, IA
  • 4 tips
  • 8 seguidores
  • 11 siguiendo
  • 2 Listas

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Las mejores ciudades de Jane
Saint Petersburg
2 Tips
Cedar Rapids
1 Tip
Apollo Beach
1 Tip
Jane Schildroth
2 lugares actualizados
2 lugares incluyendo Cafe Alma, Angie's Front Porch Cafe
Jane Schildroth
3 lugares actualizados
3 lugares incluyendo Tomaso's, Angie's Front Porch Cafe, Hotel Blackhawk, Autograph Collection
Listas de JaneListas que Jane creóListas que Jane siguió
"Check their web site in advance so you will know whether or not to expect the stars of this show to be present."
Jane SchildrothJane Schildroth · Abril 6, 2014
Mirador paisajístico
· Apollo Beach, Estados Unidos
"Be sure to join a docent-led tour. We learned so much and then did the audio tour, too. I liked it all much more than I had expected!"
Jane SchildrothJane Schildroth · Abril 6, 2014
Museo de arte
· Saint Petersburg, Estados Unidos
"Enjoy the collection and be sure to watch a glass-blowing demo. Shop for beautiful glass creations!"
Jane SchildrothJane Schildroth · Abril 6, 2014
Galería de arte
· Saint Petersburg, Estados Unidos
"Ask for Alexandra..awesome support!"
Jane SchildrothJane Schildroth · Julio 12, 2013
Teléfonos celulares
· Cedar Rapids, Estados Unidos