Karen Desoto

Karen Desoto

Karen DeSoto is a well-known attorney, on air legal analyst, community activist, as well as Professor at the New Jersey City University (NJCU).

Jersey City, NJ, United States
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Karen Desoto
0 lugares actualizados Agosto 10, 2015
It is not always easy to get the right insights on legal cases. This is the reason why it becomes important to reach out to a credible source that has the necessary knowledge and skills to look beyond
Karen Desoto
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Karen Desoto
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    "Karen Desoto is a woman that -- through her work -- has proved to be an inspiration to women and young girls. A lawyer by profession she is also an on-air legal analyst for NBC news."
    Karen DesotoKaren Desoto · Abril 28, 2017
    Servicio financiero
    · Jersey City, Estados Unidos