

Café y Cafetería$$$$
  • Tips
    Ines R.
    "Lattes (lattes), clean, quiet, nice atmosphere"(2 Tips)
    Christopher B.
    "Quiet (tranquilo) and comfortable, A gem"(2 Tips)
Icono de consejos y reseñas14 Tips y reseñas
  • lattes
  • tranquilo
  • magdalenas
  • brunch
  • buen servicio
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  • Neena S.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Neena Shimko FinchOctubre 16, 2015
    The coffee is rich and delicious. The coffeecake is to die for, morning glory muffins are moist and wonderful. Everything is just what you are looking for!! It's a place "everybody knows your name"
  • Christopher B.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Christopher BNoviembre 8, 2016
    Welcoming atmosphere, friendly service and central location and Washington. Quiet and comfortable, A gem
  • Ethan
    EthanAbril 9, 2017
    The toll collector on I90 has more charm and takes more enjoyment from her work than the lady behind the counter. The scones are bland and the cookies equally joyless.
  • Tony X.
    Tony XerriJunio 29, 2023
    Yikes... the burgers are hockey pucks. The pastries are several days old. And there is nothing special about the waffles. This is next level basic.
  • Ines R.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Ines RieraAgosto 22, 2018
    Lattes, clean, quiet, nice atmosphere
  • Frank J.
    Frank JFebrero 26, 2012
    Very cool place for lunch after stopping at the Gunnery. Free WiFi too!
  • Ali W.
    Ali WattsSeptiembre 6, 2011
    great brunch spot - loved the veggie wrap w/ pesto & really nice servers Leer más
  • Scott W.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Scott WillmenAbril 30, 2013
    Great place to hang outside and enjoy the day.
  • BayBay B.
    BayBay BrouardNoviembre 2, 2013
    Pretty and great chai tea but kinda pricey
  • Thomas D.
    Thomas DuffyAgosto 7, 2012
    great coffee and latte
  • Maggie O.
    Maggie O.Marzo 31, 2011
    Ha estado aquí más de 5 veces
    I agree!! Getting a lemon poppy muffin as I type!!
  • Evan H.
    Evan HirshEnero 9, 2012
    Very nice atmosphere.
  • Aaron G.
    Aaron GellerSeptiembre 30, 2010
  • Carmine B.
    Carmine BuonoMarzo 11, 2012
    Not a fan.
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