We dare you NOT to have a good time at this raucous den. Drink and dance the night away, but make sure you venture downstairs to the ice room to cool off with a shot or two.
one of the weirdest, funniest places I've ever been. If you might enjoy being locked in an ice cage while you take shots of watered down vodka then this is the place for you!
This place is WILD. There are bras hanging from the ceiling, there is a walk-in fridge in the basement, and you can sit by the bar on a swing! If in doubt, go for the cider.
Let's explain the "Ice Cage": For $20, you're thrown into a frozen glass room full of open vodka bottles in a Soviet soldier uniform. Frozen shot glass in hand, you get 2 minutes, all you can drink.
Go with a big group of friends. Spend some time on the upper level with shisha and live Balkan music. Then go down to experience the ice cage, forgotten music of 80s-90s and naked women statues.
Are you still being stupid and contemplating that $10 cover? IT IS SO WORTH IT THAT YOU ARE WASTING TIME. You'll have fun. I promise. If not, I won't give you your $10 back but I might high five you.
pra quem tá aem $$$ e quer ficar bêbado. shots de graça saem iguais a telesena: de 15 em 15 minutos. e tem música búlgara ao vivo, com a vocalista cantando no meio da galera. super animado!
Check out both floors for a night of electro-gypsy music. Step into the "ice cage" freezer room with friends for 2 minutes of unlimited vodka, if you dare. Then dance on the pole stage downstairs.
It is loud, it is packed, it is absurd (yeah there's a cover). Not a place to start the night but coming here while already black out drunk to dance and end the night is a good idea.
O pico perfeito se vc quer conhecer umas belas barangas ou a máfia russa. Shots de graça a cada 10 minutos. Pelé e Frodo adoram o lugar, vc tb vai gostar.
Mandatory cover, mandatory coat check, bouncers are rude and the waitresses blow a whistle in your ear to make you get out of their way. Management aside, such a cool bar!!