cindy tekobbe (née Cowles)

cindy tekobbe (née Cowles)


Scottsdale, AZ
  • 9 tips
  • 90 seguidores
  • 73 siguiendo
  • 2 Listas

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9 Tips
cindy tekobbe (née Cowles)
2 lugares actualizados
2 lugares incluyendo Oaxaca Mexican Food, Big Earl's BBQ
cindy tekobbe (née Cowles)
0 lugares actualizados
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Listas de cindyListas que cindy creóListas que cindy siguió
"Free wifi + decent happy hour = happy out of town clients."
cindy tekobbe (née Cowles)cindy tekobbe (née Cowles) · Febrero 16, 2012
· Scottsdale, Estados Unidos
"If you're testing for new foundation, shop during the daytime. Ask to use a hand mirror, and then go check your makeup in the natural light coming through the doors on the south side of the store."
cindy tekobbe (née Cowles)cindy tekobbe (née Cowles) · Diciembre 24, 2011
· Scottsdale, Estados Unidos
"Get the host to make you caprese salad with tomatoes and basil from the garden."
cindy tekobbe (née Cowles)cindy tekobbe (née Cowles) · Diciembre 1, 2011
Casa (privada)
· Scottsdale, Estados Unidos
"First thing in the morning on a weekday is the best time to go. Weekend parking lot is like a Mad Max scene."
cindy tekobbe (née Cowles)cindy tekobbe (née Cowles) · Noviembre 30, 2011
Tienda de comestibles
· Scottsdale, Estados Unidos
"sit back and let the chaos take you over. you'll be laughing in moments."
cindy tekobbe (née Cowles)cindy tekobbe (née Cowles) · Noviembre 27, 2011
Casa (privada)
· Scottsdale, Estados Unidos
"For cut and/or color, ask for Angela. Lori for mani/pedi."
cindy tekobbe (née Cowles)cindy tekobbe (née Cowles) · Agosto 13, 2010
· Scottsdale, Estados Unidos