Tadao Ando's elegantly functional building and a well-curated collection made this a perfect modern art gallery. The Cafe Modern is also really great. Worth the trip to Fort Worth alone.
This brisk and beautifully stark cafe, tethered to The Modern Museum of Art in Fort Worth, skillfully frames a simple menu flung with international influences in Southwestern flare. Leer más
Visit incredible exhibitions rotating through this world-class museum, such as the current Frank Stella retrospective featuring 100 paintings and sculptures throughout the museumsmodern architecture.
I think I know more or less than the average art enthusiast but I still come to appreciate the art they have. I've been to two of the exhibits: KAWS & Takashi Murakami. They'll both stay with me
Currently have a video and photographyexhibit; the images of ages, scapes, and everyday objects taken either in a new frame of light, overexposure, context, are amazing to look at.
The movies they show here are great films that you would otherwise have to drive all the way to Angelica Dallas to see. My personal favorite was the French oddball comedy "Micmacs"
The collection of the Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth is comprised of nearly 3,000 objects, including paintings, sculptures, videos, photographs, and prints.
Every Tuesday night during the Spring and Fall is "Tuesday Nights at the Modern", an educational lecture series where different artists come talk about their work.
They have a nice collection of modern art, with frequent new exhibitions. There is also a weekly film series from the Magnolia in Dallas that is generally very good. Leer más
Pop in to see Roxy Paine's beautiful innerconnected trees in the courtyard. Originally installed in NYC's Madison Square Park in 2007, now in Fort Worth's permenant collection.
Observe the Richard Serra scuplture outside - titled Vortex, it is a 67' tall, 230 ton vertical steel structure - the acoustics are mindblowing inside this chamber
Fort Worth, Texas: Check out the Ed Ruscha exhibit "Road Tested" until 4/27/11. Click "More Info" to hear the iconic artist discuss his automotive romance. Leer más
absolutely love this building, the architecture is amazing! (designed by Japanese architect Tadao Ando).http://www.themodern.org/index.html ft worth has EXCELLENT museums--better than dallas Leer más