Nederlander Theatre

Nederlander Theatre

(Ahora cerrado)
Theater District, New York
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  • Gloria H.
    Gloria HernandezJulio 17, 2018
    Abran las puertas y llevenles teleras jajaja
  • Gloria H.
    Gloria HernandezJulio 17, 2018
    Aber que le mandan coyote ...para que no ande bramando tanto
  • pamela c.
    pamela cohenJunio 11, 2013
    Maravillosa!!! Excelente!!
  • Gloria H.
    Gloria HernandezJulio 17, 2018
    Abran las puertas y llevenles teleras jajaja
  • Gloria H.
    Gloria HernandezJulio 17, 2018
    Abran las puertas y llevenles teleras jajaja
  • Nicholas S.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Nicholas SOctubre 27, 2013
    Great theatre. Annoying because it's too close to all the tourist. Newsies is amazing. Very energetic, well choreographed and pretty fantastic acting. Highly recommended. Get ready for some catchy 🎼
  • Cecília A.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Cecília AkOctubre 19, 2013
    Super recomendo este musical. Esta é a terceira vez a que assisto a este musical na Broadway. As músicas são lindas, as coreografias são fantásticas e a energia do elenco é empolgante.
  • Sonny D.
    Sonny DatoySeptiembre 9, 2014
    if you're lucky enough to get a backstage tour, you'll see the wall outside where cast members from past productions signed their names- most notably, the original broadway cast of Rent.
  • Eric F.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Eric FariaJulio 11, 2012
    Party of 3 (including someone for whom Newsies was the first musical theater experience) enjoyed it tremendously. Solid performances, great coreography and catchy tunes make it soar. Fantastic show!
  • Alice M.
    Alice MolinariEnero 10, 2013
    I loved this show. It made me happy and inspired, like any Broadway show should. GREAT dancing! I want to give all cast members a hug, they were so charming.
  • eric b.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    eric bornemannNoviembre 26, 2020
    Great theater on a quiet side street just south of Times Square. Really not a bad seat in the house.
  • Camp Broadway
    Camp BroadwayAbril 23, 2012
    Saw Newsies last night and was blown away by all of the talented gentlemen in the production. Lotto tix $30 2.5 hrs before performance--unpredictable and partial view seats, but still a great deal!
  • Amanda O.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Amanda OzmentAgosto 5, 2012
    Ha estado aquí más de 5 veces
    When you stage door following the show, ask the cast members for their trading cards! Kara will even go back inside and get them if she has none, and Andrew's are pre-signed!
  • Fabio D.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Fabio DianAbril 30, 2013
    Well beyond my expectations, good voices, really complex scenography and movements (more than 12 persons on the stage simultaneously), strong voices and beautiful lyrics. Don't expect to have leg room
  • heidi t.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    heidi tandyEnero 19, 2013
    Buy a Newsies cap from the kiosk, and write your thoughts on the slip of paper in the playbill to become part of the theater if they post it on the wall.
  • Tracy K.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Tracy KrupitzerSeptiembre 10, 2014
    Orchestra seats can be limited viewing, mezz is definitely the way to go.
  • Kevin D.
    Kevin DowningMayo 23, 2012
    Fantastic job all involved in the show! Saw you guys at Papermill and you have only gotten better. Congratulations on making to to B'way!
  • Cecília A.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Cecília AkOctubre 19, 2013
    Seize the day watching 'Newsies', an inspired, incredible, breathtaking musical. Love NEWSIES.
  • Ginny-Beth J.
    Ginny-Beth JoinerMarzo 24, 2013
    Souvenirs are more affordable here than at most shows. Still, pricey, but not as bad. Had to take home something to remember this amazing show by!
  • Kevin M.
    Kevin McKennaAgosto 5, 2012
    The women that takes the calls to for ADA/wheelchair seating and passes the info the box office is not very helpful and even comes off as inconvenienced
  • Miranda P.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Now is the time to seize the day. -- Best musical in my opinion. The cast is flawless.
  • Leslie G.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Leslie GreenbaumAgosto 10, 2014
    Great theatre for broadway show newsies is not to be missed
  • AJ P.
    AJ ParkerMayo 7, 2012
    This show is amazing! See it! See it! Especially if you're a fan of amazing dancing.
  • Bfortch F.
    Bfortch FortchMayo 12, 2012
    Spot Conlon shows up in Act 2. Never fear, Brooklyn's here! Watch for Jack to come down the right aisle too!
  • Deborah M.
    Deborah MOctubre 17, 2012
    Orchestra seats were great but given the stage structure, balcony would also be great
  • Molly J.
    Molly JacksonAbril 2, 2012
    A definite must see show!!! If you need to get a souvenir, get a drink from the bar. They co
  • Fahad Z.
    Fahad ZamanJunio 3, 2012
    From 6/4 - 7/1, NEWSIES is giving viewers a 10% discount coupon for the Times Square Disney Store! Look inside your playbill!
  • Linda N.
    Linda NiemelaMayo 13, 2012
    Absolutely wonderful. Newsies fans will love the costumes and choreography!
  • Michael K.
    Michael KrupnickSeptiembre 24, 2013
    Try any bank or bum or barber! They almost all know how to read!
  • Repeat A.
    Repeat AttendersMarzo 19, 2013
    Front row mezz are great cheaper seats, just sit up straight.
  • Otavio B.
    Otavio BeakliniSeptiembre 30, 2013
    Não perca esse musical. Absolutamente fantástico!
  • Comtesse D.
    Comtesse De LaceretJunio 23, 2013
    The deluxe program is a snazzy pape'. A worthwhile souvenir
  • John V.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    John VegasAbril 19, 2014
    Great show for kids over 10 and young adults...
  • TheaterAdvisor
    TheaterAdvisorJunio 7, 2012
    Seeing or seen Newsies? Be one of the first to review Newsies at and receive 17 FREE Broadway show tunes.
  • Camp Broadway
    Camp BroadwayAbril 23, 2012
    Take note of odd show times: Sunday matinee, 1PM. Sunday evening, 6:30 PM.
  • Lori K. h.
    These seats are actually comfortable!
  • Deborah M.
    Deborah MOctubre 17, 2012
    Many bicycle taxis available after show
  • Disney Theatrical Productions
    Visit the official website at!
  • Suzanne, L.
    Suzanne, LopezDiciembre 12, 2012
    It's soooo good !!!! A MUST see!!!!!!!
  • J
    JJulio 12, 2013
    Choreography is rather excellent but songs are forgettable
  • Ben Z.
    Ben ZweigMayo 21, 2013
    You can read all about it in the Playbill.
  • Dani D.
    Dani DicksteinAgosto 4, 2014
    Weeks later newsies is still stuck in my head - see see see!
  • Brian M.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Brian MichaelEnero 26, 2013
    Cute show. Great choreography.
  • Disney Theatrical Productions
    Visit our Facebook page at
  • Disney Theatrical Productions
    Sign up for a special ticket offer at
  • Denise S.
    Denise SpellFebrero 10, 2013
    Great show
  • Disney Theatrical Productions
    Find us on twitter at
  • E S.
    E SSeptiembre 16, 2012
    Great show. 100% liberal propaganda.
  • Merch B.
    Merch BroadwayAgosto 12, 2011
    Want Million Dollar Quartet merchandise? Enjoy shopping online? Head over to The Broadway Store website today! Leer más
  • J Musicals
    J MusicalsMayo 20, 2012
    New Disney's hit is now an open-ended Broadway show.
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