Crispygrilled salmon skin is fatty, flavorful and crunchy, almost like the bacon of the sea. Mix it with sprouts and cucumber and you have the BLT of sushi, or as Origami calls it, a Salmon Skin rollLeer más
They clearly don't know what to do with the fish and other ingredients, and even the quality of shari (sushi rice) was just bad. And oh, the takoyaki sucked too so it's not just the sushi
They put chunks of wasabi on the roll under the fish. We talked to the manager and she was rude and did not treat us well. The manager was defensive... probably because I was 1 of 3 Asians there...
Origami Uptown
1354 Lagoon Ave (near The Lagoon Theater) Mineápolis, MN55408 Estados Unidos