restaurant Ribe

restaurant Ribe


As a result of the ideas and the work of three waiters, restaurant Ribe opened its doors in 2007. Our ambition was and is to offer our guests high quality food and service in a pleasant environment, in surroundings in which we are confident. The menu of Ribe is characterised by fresh, seasonal and definitely domestic raw produce. Naturally, we also add the tastes and techniques of European cuisines. The kitchen is in the hands of Chef Jevgeni Jermoškin. The wine list, with approximately 120 wines, is based on the wines of the Old World. We also suggest that you open the Sommelier’s list, compiled by sommeliers Ave Toomjõe and Allan Repp, where you will also find, amongst others, our personal favourites. Coffee lovers are welcome to visit the master of the house, sought after barista Urmet Laht. At present, restaurant Ribe has been voted among the top 50 Estonian restaurants three times, twice over the past two years earning the notable second position. You are always welcome!

Vene 7, Tallinn
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