We will follow the trace of the author of Crime and Punishment in Saint Petersburg. Seguimos las huellas del autor de Crimen y Castigo en San Petersburgo.
наб. р. Монастырки, 1, San Petersburgo, San Petersburgo
Monasterio · Округ Лиговка-Ямская · 68 tips y reseñas
Sankt Peter Concierge: The writer is buried here, near to his favourite poets, Karamsin and Zhukovsky. More than 100,000 mourners attended to his funeral. His tombstone is inscribed with lines from the New Testament.
Museo de arte · Дворцовый округ · 135 tips y reseñas
Sankt Peter Concierge: Dostoyevsky´s mother died in 1837, when he was 15, the same time he left school to enter the Nikolayev Military Engineering Institute. After graduating, he worked as an engineer and translating books.
наб. канала Грибоедова, 73, San Petersburgo, San Petersburgo
Sitio histórico y protegido · Сенной округ · 2 tips y reseñas
Sankt Peter Concierge: This is the house of the heroine of the novel Sonia Marmeladova. Corner house, located at the end of the Little Meschanskoy st. where Dostoevsky lived while writing the novel "Crime and Punishment"
Измайловский просп., 7а, San Petersburgo, San Petersburgo
Iglesia · Округ Измайловское · 37 tips y reseñas
Sankt Peter Concierge: Dostoevsky married Anna Snitkina in 1867, in this church. For the wedding they had to spend the money earned with "Crime and Punishment", 7000 rb, but it was not enough.