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Seattle-Tacoma International Airport (SEA)

Seattle-Tacoma International Airport (SEA)

Aeropuerto internacional
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    Los expertos de Visit Philly y Eater recomiendan este lugar
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    Jordan H.
    "Pros: free wifi (wi-fi gratis), great food options, very clean and nice decor."(77 Tips)
    Efrain L.
    "best Mahi Mahi grill fish tacos :-D For clam chowder (sopa de almeja)"(12 Tips)
    Beautiful Existence
    "Visit #Fireworks (fuegos artificiales) retail stores, amazingly fun & artistic items."(8 Tips)
    "perfect snack (picoteo) before a flight."(16 Tips)
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  • wi-fi gratis
  • 24 horas
  • aeropuerto
  • comida de desayuno
  • tranquilo
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  • Ana M.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Ana MarOctubre 14, 2013
    Congestión a toda hora vengan con tiempo
  • Foodies I.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Foodies In CrimeMayo 11, 2016
    Entendible! Pequeño. ... Puedes rellenar tu botella de agua. Ideal para ahorrar y reciclar
  • Ricardo R.
    Ricardo RubiAbril 19, 2019
    Pidan uber directo a puerta de llegadas. Es más rápido. Zona 4 Puerta 8
  • Guiye E.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Guiye EnsinckJunio 19, 2019
    Si alquilan auto, cuando lo devuelven conviene estacionar y dejar las valijas y después devolver el auto, sino tendrán un largo trajín incluyendo tomar un shuttle con las valijas a cuestas
  • Cony B.
    Cony BDiciembre 3, 2023
    … mucho frío, ademas con lluvia….
  • Hernan F.
    Hernan FranciscoJulio 13, 2014
    Domingo en la mañana.. demasiadas personas .. hay que tener paciencia....
  • Luis Javier R.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Luis Javier RoblesMarzo 9, 2015
    Café y mariscos.
  • Dave M.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Dave McFebrero 11, 2019
    Really a very nice airport. Kind of overcrowded at security, but the line moves pretty fast and the staff here are super nice - a huge contrast with the staff at O’Hare!
    Votación a favor hace hace 3 días
  • Blu
    BluSeptiembre 5, 2014
    I love this airport. It is magically quite somehow. Even though it's busy, it's not noisy at all. Very nice for getting work done. And free WiFi. And of course, good coffee. :)
    Votación a favor hace hace 1 semana
  • Eddie M.
    Eddie MoyFebrero 4, 2014
    Head to the Central Terminal's streetscape scene w/ shops & food court. Check out the glass curtain w/ airfield views. Sit in the rocking chairs, connect to free WiFi, & watch planes land & take-off.
    Votación a favor hace hace 15 horas
  • Carmenicono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    CarmenJunio 28, 2018
    Ha estado aquí más de 25 veces
    A couple years ago I suggested they bring pettable dogs to help manage stress and boredom. I just saw a wonderful 7 yr old golden retriever demonstrating hi-5’s and I suddenly felt so much better!
    Votación a favor hace hace 2 semanas
  • MNZ ..icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    MNZ .Mayo 30, 2018
    Ha estado aquí más de 10 veces
    If you are looking for food and good wine at the airport try Vino Volo. Awesome service, good food, good wine, great ambiance..
    Votación a favor hace {14}Dec {Mayo21}, {2014}2024
  • Joanna F.
    Joanna FlammNoviembre 10, 2013
    Using the light rail to get downtown is super easy. It's a bit of a walk from the terminal, but the signage is good and it's all through the parking ramp, so it's covered.
    Votación a favor hace hace 4 semanas
  • Gaston M.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Gaston Motola AcunaSeptiembre 26, 2017
    Ha estado aquí más de 25 veces
    Massive airport, you can find everything and anything inside. Unfortunately terminal S (international) lacks options when it comes to the food court, specially early in the mornings or late at night.
    Votación a favor hace {14}Dec {Mayo23}, {2014}2024
  • zfels
    zfelsDiciembre 28, 2014
    Ha estado aquí más de 25 veces
    Grab coffee at Café Vita (C3) and some world-famous mac & cheese at the adjacent Beecher's. Pick up some 90s swag at Sub Pop. Then sit in the atrium and watch a live local band. Perfection.
  • Dave M.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Dave McFebrero 13, 2019
    If you’re here on a connection, take the extra time to check your gate and the map as soon as you land. It can be pretty far from S or N to A,B,C concourses, so make sure your gate didn’t change.
  • glenn l.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    glenn lethamOctubre 19, 2018
    Ha estado aquí más de 50 veces
    In a huge hurry, just grab McDonald's, it's fast! Got time, have a huge pale at at Anthony's and watch the game... The chips n shrimp salsa are yummy! Interested in maps & geo? See www. GISuser.com
  • Dave M.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Dave McFebrero 16, 2019
    The train between concourses A, B & S is pretty good. Frequent, fast and you don’t need to go through security a 2nd time when changing concourses. 🚊
    Votación a favor hace {14}Nov {Mayo25}, {2014}2024
  • Brian L.
    Brian LockwoodEnero 2, 2014
    Ha estado aquí más de 10 veces
    Best relaxing area is sitting in the comfy furniture in S terminal near gate S10
  • Cherry 🍒icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Cherry 🍒Agosto 1, 2019
    Seattle Tacoma 국제공항(SEA)에 도착해서 Uber나 Lyft를 타려면 1) App based Ride Share 표지 방향으로 간다 2) 공항 건물 맞은 편에 있는 주차장(Garage) 건물로 건너간다 3) 주차장 건물 4층에서 에스컬레이터를 타고 3층으로 내려간다 4) Uber나 Lyft 앱에서 기사가 주차한 Stall 번호를 찾아간다
  • Abilash
    AbilashSeptiembre 13, 2018
    Take the LINK Rail if you are going to the downtown. The station is just a little walk from the airport and the walkway is completely covered (you walk through the parking garage).
  • Yevgeniy S.
    Yevgeniy SkazovskiJunio 16, 2013
    Ha estado aquí más de 5 veces
    I love this airport and even the security and TSA staff is awesome. Quick and efficient. Shopping is great. Atmosphere is excellent. Taxi & Limo service works well. Thanks for great experience.
  • Huskers H.
    Huskers HuskyEnero 5, 2019
    Ha estado aquí más de 25 veces
    A lot live music at this airport, free WI-FI and good food options around the airport. Short walks to one side of Terminal to other (approx 20 mins max at a steady pace) if needed.
    Votación a favor hace hace 1 semana
  • Mike Y.
    Mike YoungAbril 4, 2012
    Ha estado aquí más de 50 veces
    Please remember that the ground & gate agents are there to help you as much AS POSSIBLE. Behave like an adult and treat them with respect. There are other people traveling besides just you.
  • Jerry S.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Jerry ShinAgosto 20, 2019
    미국내 경유지라면 도착과 출발 시간사이에 최소 2시간은 있어야 맘 편히 환승. 안그러면 맘 졸이고 셔틀 지하철을 최소 2-3번 뛰어야 하는 경우가 생김If you gonna transfer at Seattle tacoma airport, just recommend you have 2 hours between landing and departure time
  • Andru E.
    Andru EdwardsMayo 3, 2013
    Super cool when you ask for a seat upgrade. Ask repeatedly until your will overpowers that of the attendants. Thank me later.
  • Melissa G.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Melissa GoodnightEnero 26, 2015
    I really like this airport. I've been through several times and I've never been lost. It's very clean and comfortable and don't forget Free WiFi.
  • Craig F.
    Craig FurnivallSeptiembre 3, 2013
    Ha estado aquí más de 25 veces
    Anthony's Seafood is best food here. Their side kitchen is quick and quality. There is a small table and outlet right next to the plasticware station.. located by Life is Good and Exofficio
    KAYAKJulio 10, 2012
    Be sure to try @IvarsClam, located in the central terminal, it's pretty fishy...but in a good way. ;)
  • David H.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    David H.Diciembre 13, 2016
    For the military with a long layover. Especially if you have family traveling with you. They have the BEST USO and USO support in 28 years. I had a 15 hour layover, they gave me outstanding service
  • Mike A.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Mike AlvaradoAbril 20, 2019
    Ha estado aquí más de 25 veces
    Park away from here at MasterPark or the like. Great place to catch a bit or relax before a flight though. Arrive early on the weekend or fall victim to traffic and long long lines!
  • Men's Health Mag
    Men's Health MagAgosto 3, 2014
    There’s street-pricing in the shops and restaurants, which means prices—even on a cup of coffee—can’t exceed what you'd pay at the same shop in town Leer más
  • Eric T.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Eric TigreDiciembre 1, 2010
    Ha estado aquí más de 25 veces
    Sea-Tac had some of the best Seventies public art in its open spaces. The podium-controlled light wall was a favorite. Public wifi and access to Sound Transit light rail into Seattle are available. Leer más
  • Christine T.
    Christine TantocoAgosto 13, 2014
    Ha estado aquí más de 10 veces
    Has to have some of the coolest stores including sub-pop records where you can listen to records while you wait for a flight.
  • Larissa N.
    Larissa NugrohoAgosto 7, 2013
    Get a window seat on the right side of the plane if you can. You'll get to see lakes and beautiful mountains! One of the most scenic plane ride I've had :)
  • A P.
    A PFebrero 8, 2014
    Ha estado aquí más de 25 veces
    Food courts at the S gates are limited. Grab a Lemon Loaf & Decaf at Seattle's Finest Coffee kiosk, or do a takeaway from the restaurant in front of it as there's a wait time of 20 mins for seating.
  • Champ E.
    Champ EnsmingerJulio 23, 2023
    Ha estado aquí más de 25 veces
    Spam musubi from Hachi-ko (formerly Waji) at C Gate is the best food deal at Sea-Tac, hands down. Meat & rice, compact, costs 99 cents, and you can ask for it heated up.
  • Yiling W.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Yiling WongMayo 11, 2017
    Ha estado aquí más de 25 veces
    Want some e-reading material for your flight? Download from the Seattle Public Library kiosk near TSA checkpt 4! The ads say it works with or without a library card.
  • Lucille F.
    Lucille FisherJulio 18, 2023
    Ha estado aquí más de 10 veces
    One of the best airports in my book, from the art, layout, shops & restaurants and lounges. The best gateway to Asia from the US.
  • Naree
    NareeFebrero 22, 2015
    대한항공은 terminal 1 이었고 오늘만 그런건지 s gate 로 출국 !!! 게이트 앞 면세점 엄청 허접. 공항면세점은 기대하지마세요. 스타벅스 커피도 먹고싶으면 엑스레이 통과후 사서 s 게이트로 이동해야함.
    Votación a favor hace hace 4 días
  • Measha
    MeashaSeptiembre 23, 2018
    Ha estado aquí más de 50 veces
    Best place to land on a clear day. Sit left side for landing / right for takeoff and see five mountains at once!
  • Esther G.
    Esther GweonJunio 27, 2013
    Ha estado aquí más de 10 veces
    One of the few airports where bathroom doors swing out, not in, and if you travel a lot on your own, you definitely know why that's awesome!
  • rushay b.
    rushay booysenAgosto 29, 2013
    One of my best experience at a airport in US,the lines moved very fast.The light rail is also very easy to navigate if you looking at going downtown
  • Irinaicono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    IrinaAgosto 14, 2014
    Seattleites will loath me, but Ivar's clam chowder at the airport is my soul food every time I fly out. As for the airport itself, it's big, confusing, and it's unchanged since the 90s, but I like it.
  • Ken C.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Ken CampSeptiembre 20, 2018
    Ha estado aquí más de 25 veces
    Lots of shopping and food options. Always something. And nice live entertainment throughout the airport much of the time.
  • Jeffrey-Ryan B.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Jeffrey-Ryan B.Octubre 21, 2013
    Ha estado aquí más de 5 veces
    Alaska Airlines check-in for First Class usually has a line of four to five people with one agent checking in bags and tickets so might be worth it to use the self serve positions for faster check-in!
  • Zile D.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Zile DzenitisMayo 14, 2019
    Ha estado aquí más de 100 veces
    Center food court has become exciting..great new food choices; something for everyone. Actually, many new and better food choices throughout the airport.
  • Men's Health Mag
    Men's Health MagAgosto 3, 2014
    The airport, with plenty of views of the neighboring Mt. Rainier, is home to farm-to-table eats including Anthony’s Homeport & Fish Bar. It’s the highest grossing airport restaurant in North America. Leer más
  • Ken ..
    Ken .UJunio 5, 2012
    手荷物を受け取ってからエスカレーターにのり上階へ。 そして空港アクセスのライトレールの乗り場までは駐車場を通り抜けていくため10分程度、重たいスーツケースをガラガラさせながら行かなければなりません。 ただ、ライトレールの券売機では高額ドル紙幣を使うと1ドルコインでお釣りが払い出されます。
  • Katie B.
    Katie BosselerJulio 19, 2019
    Ha estado aquí más de 25 veces
    Stop by Lady Yum heading to the c gates! The best macarons!!! I would higher recommend toasted coconut & salted Carmel. But every flavor is amazing!!!!
Fotos22.442 Fotos

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