Dustin Price

Dustin Price


Pittsburgh, PA
  • 2 tips
  • 25 seguidores
  • 22 siguiendo
  • 4 Listas

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Las mejores ciudades de Dustin
2 Tips
Dustin Price
3 lugares actualizados
3 lugares incluyendo Mineo's Pizza, D's Six Pax & Dogz, Everyday Noodles 天天見麵
Dustin Price
8 lugares actualizados
8 lugares incluyendo Pittsburgh Zoo & Aquarium, Brentwood Library, Fat Head's Saloon, The Blind Pig Tavern
Listas de DustinListas que Dustin creóListas que Dustin siguió
"The food... The tap selections... It's all very good. I'd suggest Arsenal Ciders for the non-beer drinkers out there. Strong stuff, but really quite excellent."
Dustin PriceDustin Price · Noviembre 29, 2014
· Pittsburgh, Estados Unidos
"There is a policy in place that you can only have 3 & 1/2 liters of alcohol here. Shots count as a 1/2 liter, so don't come here expecting to drink en masse. It is a good policy though."
Dustin PriceDustin Price · Marzo 5, 2013
· Pittsburgh, Estados Unidos