Shawnie Armond

Shawnie Armond


Green Bay, WI
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  • 66 seguidores
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Green Bay
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Shawnie Armond
6 lugares actualizados
6 lugares incluyendo XS Nightclub, Goodwill, Taco Bell, Harmony Café
Shawnie Armond
0 lugares actualizados
0 sitios
    "This place is literally sinking, the basement is usually wet and the foundation is leaning, but you can't tell upstairs where I live, thankfully. I've lived in here on and off/in and out w/my folx sen"
    Shawnie ArmondShawnie Armond · Agosto 6, 2011
    Casa (privada)
    · Green Bay, Estados Unidos
    "I get my own taco stuff here, it's cheap & right by my house but some stuff tastes kinda funky.."
    Shawnie ArmondShawnie Armond · Agosto 1, 2011
    Tienda de comestibles
    · Green Bay, Estados Unidos