sherahViVa™: If there are doggers here.. Bravo on your discretion. I've not seen any..& I've looked! Seems too good a spot for it...not to have ANY action. The Surrey Hills are beautiful! Great views @ this place.
sherahViVa™: If parking in bit @ bottom of hill, be careful backing into spaces. Trees bulge out @ the base, leaving less room 2park than you might think. Trust me! I busted out a rental car's rear window on one.
sherahViVa™: If socking the shite out of a small white ball & then riding after it in a buggy, just to hit it your taste: This place is great! Irons, buggies, & balls your thing? Come out & swing a club!
Puerta de embarque del aeropuerto · 10 tips y reseñas
sherahViVa™: Wowzers! Imaginary gate & 4sq glitch! How else can I explain the enormous score without a stop!?! I can't! But...i will take it! :) #allLove