Skydive Midwest

Skydive Midwest

Zona de lanzamiento de paracaidistas
  • Tips
    Brittany B.
    "jump instructors (instructores) are amazing- Neil was the sh*t!!!!"(3 Tips)
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  • Mike B.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Mike BeauchampJulio 6, 2012
    Great place. Did my very first jump here. Get the photo/video package! You won't regret it.
  • Liesel T.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Liesel TaylorAgosto 10, 2013
    If you liked it (which you will) and want to jump again they discount your 2nd jump if you purchase it the same day.
  • Gnana Sudheer R.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Gnana Sudheer ReddySeptiembre 21, 2016
    Check for weather before you plan for dive! Ours got postponed!!
  • Mariah V.
    Mariah VJulio 22, 2013
    Ha estado aquí más de 100 veces
    Instructors are awesome! Definitely get a video of your jump!
  • Brittany B.
    Brittany BoecheJunio 17, 2011
    All the jump instructors are amazing- Neil was the sh*t!!!! Everyone should skydive at least once!!!!
  • Keith M.
    Keith MalesAbril 23, 2012
    The instructor was very touchy / feely which I enjoyed thoroughly ; )
  • Madtown L.
    Madtown Lunch-BreakOctubre 24, 2011
    Ted was amazing to jump with!
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