Excelente lugar para echar una chela y una charla con los cuates. Está en un antiguo patio de maniobras de trenes. Afuera se exhiben locomotoras y carros de trenes antiguos.
Es un buen lugar para visitar, tienen buen servicio y te reciben con una cerveza de cortesía bien fría, siempre están al pendiente de que nada te haga falta.
The brewery tour is a surprisingly good time and you get a healthy amount of beer to drink during the tour as well. Steam Whistle is a real fine brewery to support - make sure you leave with a case!
Great tour, knowledgeable guides, good beer. While typically not a Pilsner fan, I found this beer very drinkable. So much so I ended up buying one at a blue Jays game the next day.
Vale muito a pena!!! Entrada de 10 dólares para um pequeno tour pela fábrica mas com muita cerveja servida. Ainda ganha um souvenir que pode ser um copo ou um abridor de garrafas.
The beer is great, and the tour is extremely entertaining and interesting. It's one of the best activities to do downtown, whether you're a tourist of not!
Ótima cerveja! Não deixe de fazer o tour na cervejaria e veja como ela é feita. Ao final, bate um papo com o pessoal e continue bebendo hehehe. Os souvenirs são bem legais também ;)
Use your first foursquare check-in for a free tour, beer and pint glass (show the cashier your check-in)! You can also get complementary samples while you wait!
Great tour. Great price, and lots of free beer. Come on a full stomach, a girl on our tour passed out from lots of beer. Guides are super friendly. Say hi to Halen and Mary ;)
David gave us the tour just an hour ago and it was great! Walking through the brewery with a good beer in your hand and a very funny guide was well worth the $10! Had a good time!
Went in to grab some glasses for a present and right away noticed the friendly staff offering me a sample half pint. Awesome place, although full of tourists
I won I won! :) and Free tickets to the UNSIGNED show AND the Brewery tour. When you take the tour I recommend getting a chance to pull the Steam Whistle! and come back to one of their local Art Exhib Leer más
If you come to Toronto this is a must. $10 for a tour, loads of beer and a free glass. They just make one pilsner and it's awesome. I could stay all day.
Did you know that the Steam Whistle Brewery used to be the home of The CPR Roundhouse, which serviced 50 trains a day? Come visit us during Doors Open on May 25-26, 2013!
Going to a Jays game and looking to get drinks at a reasonable price? Check out the tour of the brewery tour before the game, it's interesting and drinks are cheaper than in the stadium!
What I miss the most about Toronto? A fresh and crisp pint of Steamwhistle. The beer (pilsner) is really good and touring the brewery is very interesting.