Steve Zoranski

Steve Zoranski


Wilkes-Barre, PA
  • 12 tips
  • 66 seguidores
  • 66 siguiendo
  • 4 Listas

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1 Tip
University Park
4 Tips
State College
7 Tips
Steve Zoranski
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Steve Zoranski
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Listas de SteveListas que Steve creóListas que Steve siguió
"Hot Water from fountains: good for drinking hot chocolate, bad for drinking water"
Steve ZoranskiSteve Zoranski · Octubre 11, 2012
Edificio académico
· University Park, Estados Unidos
"Head down and donate $1 to THON and get a free sub.. Best part is, you CAN KEEP DOING IT"
Steve ZoranskiSteve Zoranski · Enero 18, 2012
Lugar de sándwiches
· State College, Estados Unidos
"Best hoagie shop in state college"
Steve ZoranskiSteve Zoranski · Diciembre 1, 2011
· State College, Estados Unidos
"The girls in 328 are total babes!"
Steve ZoranskiSteve Zoranski · Noviembre 18, 2011
Apartamento o piso
· State College, Estados Unidos
"The edsgn department is in the middle of the 2nd floor. Stop by and check out one of the most down to earth and creative departments at PSU"
Steve ZoranskiSteve Zoranski · Noviembre 15, 2011
Edificio académico
· University Park, Estados Unidos
"Ignore the "occupy psu" kids upstairs ..bad representation of real psu students"
Steve ZoranskiSteve Zoranski · Noviembre 4, 2011
Centro de estudiantes
· University Park, Estados Unidos