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The Fat Duck

The Fat Duck

Restaurante de gastronomía molecular££££
  • Tips
    Thunder C.
    "The tasting menu (menú de prueba) will change the way you look at food."(3 Tips)
    Signature G.
    "... beetroot meringue, the lamb (cordero), caviar and chocolate, the pairing wine......."(2 Tips)
    Vick S.
    "Best sushi (sushi) dish"(2 Tips)
    Russell M.
    "wine menu (vino) to accompany the taster menu"(3 Tips)
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  • bueno para ocasiones especiales
  • bueno para citas
  • romántico
  • caviar
  • menú de prueba
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  • Rafa C.
    Rafa CasillasNoviembre 22, 2015
    Comida de autor, todo te sorprende "Heston" excelente anfitrión, probar de todo y reservar con 15 días de anticipación
  • Felipe Z.
    Felipe ZaZaJulio 26, 2013
    Todo es delicioso !
  • Finn B.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Finn BJunio 15, 2018
    You will soon forget how much money you spend on a meal here, but the experience will last for the rest of your life.. This place is magic!!
    Votación a favor hace {14}Dec {Mayo31}, {2014}2024
  • Mr. MaGiC K.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Mr. MaGiC KOctubre 10, 2014
    The best three Michelin star restaurant experience until now! Full of creativity and surprises! I was really impressed! WOW!!!
    Votación a favor hace {14}Dec {Mayo31}, {2014}2024
  • Thunder C.
    Thunder CatDiciembre 20, 2014
    Simply incredible; words don't do it justice. The tasting menu will change the way you look at food. Go for the wine pairings to match the excellent food.
    Votación a favor hace {14}Dec {Mayo31}, {2014}2024
  • Signature G.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Signature Gay MassageJulio 27, 2016
    The grapes dessert, the beetroot meringue, the lamb, caviar and chocolate, the pairing wine.... and the list goes on....
    Votación a favor hace {14}Dec {Mayo31}, {2014}2024
  • Sarah H.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Sarah HollowayOctubre 17, 2019
    A once in a lifetime experience, something different and well worth trying. Amazing!!! Loved the food journey just breathtaking and service is second to none.
    Votación a favor hace {14}Dec {Mayo31}, {2014}2024
  • Nicholas C.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Nicholas CharlesMayo 21, 2019
    Quite possibly the best restaurant I've been to. A combination of all the senses made this an unforgettable experience.
  • Wolfgang Puck
    Wolfgang PuckAbril 26, 2012
    One of Wolfgang's favorites around the world! The Sound of the Sea: Guests are given a plate of sashimi to eat while listening to an ipod playing the sounds of crashing waves, seagulls & Pink Floyd.
  • Hannah M.
    Hannah MellerJulio 13, 2013
    The wine tasting menu may seem a little pricey, however it really is worth the money. It's a great experience and one we'll definitely remember!
  • Ann D.
    Ann DonagheyNoviembre 6, 2011
    This is a life experience and you do only have to do it once (currently as they do not change the menu except perhaps pigeon for lamb - seasonal). If you are going for it have the wine matching too!
  • Robert R.
    Robert RoweFebrero 2, 2012
    ...for reservations, try 2 months in advance, go online at http://thefatduck.co.uk/Reservations/ and Good Luck! Chances are best with Lunch during Week and a table/group of minimum 4, more fun too... Leer más
  • Thomas K.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Thomas KnüwerJulio 17, 2019
    A menu here is like nothing you’ve ever experienced. It’s an emotional story with an awe inspiring love for details.
  • Odo
    OdoAbril 6, 2013
    Probably the best restaurant in the world. Bacon and eggs, sound of the sea, and everything they serve you it's magical and most of all tasty. Full Review... Leer más
  • Thiago M.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Thiago MaiaNoviembre 23, 2015
    Love the food and the atmosphere. It is relax and the staff just make you feel at home. The experience is fantastic.
  • Hadel A.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Hadel AOctubre 2, 2015
    Incredible experience!! Probably the best restaurant in the world.
  • Sebastianicono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    SebastianDiciembre 16, 2016
    Wine, service, food, experience..perfection.
  • JK
    JKAgosto 7, 2021
    Try Jelly of quail, The coronation feast of James II - and Queen Mary & Botrytis cyneria
  • Corporea E.
    Corporea EnergyOctubre 10, 2011
    Eston blumenthal il migliore e più creativo chef d'inghilterra. Provate e non sarete delusi... non dimenticate di farvi servire il piatto di mare con tanto di ipod con i suoni del mare
  • clive k.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    clive kornitzerJulio 28, 2017
    Great dining show not just a meal. The decor is simple it's all about the food
  • The Travel Magazine
    The Travel MagazineOctubre 23, 2012
    Here a culinary experiment gets underway including the likes of Blumenthal’s infamous snail porridge. Book well in advance (like, 3 months in advance)! Leer más
  • AmateurConciergeicono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    AmateurConciergeJulio 14, 2018
    The most whimsical fine dining and full sensory immersion
  • Phil N.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Phil NomMayo 26, 2016
    Avoid looking at photos and reading blogs before the meal and enjoy the ride
  • Hemmy E.
    Hemmy EdgeJulio 5, 2011
    Heaven. Be prepared to have all your senses overwhelmed, in a good way. Very good selection of teas at the end of the meal as well, served properly.
  • Tony Y.
    Tony YauOctubre 11, 2010
    This is not a meal, it is a life experience. At 165 per person and rising (excl drinks) it is worth every penny for the 18 course tasting menu lasting 4 hours. Molecular gastronomy at its finest. Leer más
  • Catherine D.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Catherine DaviesAbril 8, 2018
    Smell, Hear, Taste everything. It’s more of an experience than just a meal
  • Hayden P.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Hayden Pronto-HusseyEnero 30, 2016
    Ha estado aquí más de 10 veces
    The meal is now a journey through childhood memories
  • Andreea P.
    Andreea Pandia (Truia)Octubre 14, 2011
    Heston Blumenthal is one of the highest orders of geniuses to exist ... The day I can afford to eat at 'The Fat Duck' , I'll be the most precious customer already ' :D
  • Wilson Z.
    Wilson ZhouMayo 1, 2014
    Jonny Lake, Technical, experimental cooking, Pork, smoked coconut, confit cauliflower and jasmine.
  • Russell M.
    Russell MellerJulio 13, 2013
    The wine menu to accompany the taster menu is expensive, but the wine is more than worth it.
  • @JaumePrimero
    @JaumePrimeroNoviembre 10, 2011
    Two dishes that blew me away: The sounds of the sea, and the bacon and egg ice cream. Spectacular.
  • Vick S.
    Vick SmithMarzo 11, 2011
    Best sushi dish I've ever had...best 15 courses I've ever had..All 5 senses catered for! Once in a lifetime meal...
  • Leo V.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Leo VenezuelaNoviembre 21, 2013
    Excellent experience. One less to-do on my bucket list.
  • Simon B.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Simon BartleNoviembre 27, 2017
    Surpassed even the highest of expectations - amazing
  • Najla
    NajlaDiciembre 12, 2018
    Very fun and magical experience! 💕
  • João G.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    João GonçalvesAbril 29, 2023
    The best meal of my life.
  • The Times and Sunday Times
    I don’t like to see too much sciency foamy frozen bollocky bollocks on menus as a rule, but this is the court of British food’s Faerie King and he can do no wrong in my book. Leer más
  • O S.
    O SNoviembre 18, 2011
    The food there is truly a Work of ART! Allow yourself at least 4 hours to experience its tasting menu.
  • Benj P.
    Benj PhilipsonEnero 21, 2012
    Must have the triple but chips and the locale ale is smooth and silky
  • Juan B.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Juan BotellaOctubre 11, 2014
    What an experienced! Loved it!
  • Tom B.
    Tom BiselyJunio 17, 2011
    Try the Blumenthal steak, meat cloned from his own DNA and served on a bed of SCIENCE.
  • Irem C.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Irem CheshireMarzo 18, 2012
    Stories & creative presentations will be more memorable than the taste
  • Niko D.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Niko DhondtAgosto 20, 2014
    Crazy Food stuff!
  • GourmetLive
    GourmetLiveFebrero 17, 2011
    Heston Blumenthal’s English restaurant known for its innovative and science-driven cuisine.
  • Urban Nomad
    Urban NomadSeptiembre 28, 2014
    Three Michelin Stars.
  • Honey R.
    Honey RossAgosto 22, 2011
    Don't have breakfast that day. Try everything.
  • Robert B.
    Robert B.Noviembre 12, 2011
    The sound of the sea is the Little Mermaid on a plate.
  • David T.
    David TullySeptiembre 21, 2012
    Mention you know Heston.
  • Daniel H.
    Daniel HannyJulio 22, 2013
  • Sussie Q.
    Sussie QDiciembre 10, 2012
    A piece of art!
Fotos234 Fotos

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