The McKittrick Hotel

The McKittrick Hotel

Teatro independiente, Lugar de artes interpretativas y Teatro
Chelsea, New York
  • Tips
    Engracia M.
    "La mejor experiencia en teatro en NY!"(6 Tips)
    Mauricio D.
    "mesa quédense al jazz y pidan el trago de absinth"(7 Tips)
    Nina R.
    "Excelente obra de teatro, rompe con los paradigmas"(2 Tips)
    Mirta G.
    "Un imperdible en NY si te gusta el teatro no convencional!!!"(2 Tips)
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  • música jazz
  • experiencia
  • artes escénicas
  • obra
  • lugares escondidos
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  • Aline K.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Aline KleinJunio 9, 2015
    Assista a peça, vá sozinho e divirta-se! Uma experiência muito interessante e diferente. Leia um resumo do livro para se situar melhor nas passagens da peça que conseguir ver.
  • DoubleDeuceicono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    DoubleDeuceEnero 3, 2023
    This is the home of Sleep No More...but there are other shows and venues inside and on the rooftop so be sure to check throughout the year for what is available.
  • Ceci H.
    Ceci HefJulio 22, 2016
    Follow the actors to get your one to one. And be careful if you are the first one to step out of the elevator!
  • Fluying ✅.
    Fluying ✅Noviembre 1, 2015
    If you like this play, the next step is going to "then she fell" in Brooklyn where immersive theater gets intimate!
  • Nikki G.
    Nikki GoldsteinMayo 17, 2012
    To get pulled into one-on-one scenes, stay as close to the actors as possible and keep your own body language open (no crossed arms, for ex). So worthwhile!
  • Violaine C.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Violaine Coulaud SavelAgosto 24, 2018
    Endroit extraordinaire, beaucoup de salles sympa et bien décorées, une belle performance des acteurs mais quelle est l histoire? Point négatif, trop de monde, peu de visibilité ...
  • Galileo G.
    Galileo GalileiMarzo 12, 2011
    Check out all doors & closets (you might just find a macabre Narnia) & eat some candy in the shop. Try to spend time alone with anyone unmasked. Decompress momentarily & find bathrooms in bar area.
  • Tim F.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Tim FaustiniAgosto 7, 2014
    Ha estado aquí más de 10 veces
    The most unique theater experience you'll have in NYC. If you're not there for the show, come by for live music at the bar after 10:30.
  • Sandra v.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Sandra van LintMayo 10, 2017
    Loved the may fair masquerade! Craziest party I've been to in NY!! Was amazing :)
  • Andrey K.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Andrey KlenJulio 2, 2016
    Just find Macbeth and follow him everywhere. The details in interior and props is amazing.
  • James B.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    James BatesSeptiembre 27, 2016
    If watching Sleep No More, don't return to the bar before going to the lower floors too. I missed the ending. Doh!
  • Robert H.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Robert HöhneMayo 14, 2017
    Fantastic experience. Also enjoy drinks and the jazz band afterwards.
  • Margaret M.
    Margaret MarksMayo 21, 2013
    Don't wear heels, and don't bring a purse - you'll have to check it at the door. The bar and music are great!
  • Ale V.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Ale VillarrealJulio 5, 2017
    Amazing, beautiful, super experience. Great ambience, great music, unimaginable... a must experience
  • Lenny G.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Lenny GalloSeptiembre 13, 2011
    Probably the single most ambitious production I've ever seen. Amazing sets and cute actors, but even those who are experts in the Shakespeare play will find this hard to follow.
  • Peter O.
    Peter OrlovNoviembre 26, 2011
    A great tip in life generally, applies doubly tonight: follow the naked guy.
  • natalie k.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    natalie kayAbril 20, 2016
    Wear comfortable clothes & shoes. Fortune follows the bold.
  • Dan A.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Dan AlmarieiAgosto 5, 2011
    An amazing dream (someone's else dream), interactive, mysterious, mystical, voyeuristic, erotic and beautiful! If you can go don't miss it! Is one life time experience.
  • Darwin P.
    Darwin PerrierDiciembre 25, 2017
    An amazing experience. It's worth knowing the story of Macbeth before you go. Don't be afraid to be separated from your group.
  • Илона Ш.
    Илона ШахJulio 13, 2011
    Amazing amazing show. You have to go at least 2ce! Make sure to open drawers explore all angles and open books. Run after the people with no masks, be aware of your surroundings.
  • Staff Picks
    Staff PicksDiciembre 6, 2016
    The McKittrick Hotel was one of the more wished for places throughout 2015’s I Want Somewhere holiday campaign. Where’s your somewhere? Enter to win a bucket list experience. Leer más
  • Arminda G.
    Arminda Guillama-RodriguezDiciembre 14, 2011
    Make sure to skim the MacBeth Sparknotes if you're not familiar with the play, it will make the experience richer (and help you determine who to follow!) - a completely unique experience!
  • Magnus v.
    Magnus von KoellerJunio 12, 2011
    Ha estado aquí más de 5 veces
    Front-load your exploration (totally worth it, try every door!) but be sure to start following the actors in the second hour. There is some stuff going on that you do not want to miss.
  • Angie G.
    Angie GannonJunio 22, 2011
    Take your time and make sure to re-visit rooms you've already been in. Scrub up on Macbeth before you go. You can't possibly see it all in 3 hours, so make sure you go back!
  • Kelsey✨icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Kelsey✨Noviembre 23, 2019
    Be sure to reserve a table (rather than do GA) for Bartschland Follies✨
  • Allison M.
    Allison M.Mayo 30, 2012
    Ha estado aquí más de 10 veces
    Definitely take some time to strike up a conversation with the beautiful people in the bar, and have your fortune told if you're lucky. Your night may yet have twists.
  • Cassie P.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Cassie PMarzo 25, 2014
    So surreal! You have to experience it. Too difficult to explain. I would suggest reading a synopsis of Macbeth.
  • Lucas U.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Lucas UllrichDiciembre 31, 2014
    It's virtually impossible to follow the plot. And to rub it in your face they try to sell you their book for another 20$, so that you understand "how the individual scenes fit together".
  • Julian M.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Julian ModestoSeptiembre 20, 2014
    The Friday 6PM show is a great start because it isn't packed! As everyone checked in through 7, fanning yourself and shoving each other became normal
  • Albert T.
    Albert TanJulio 8, 2012
    There are three cycles. The play starts in the hotel lobby (floor 2?), actors change clothes in the coat check room. It helps to follow MacBeth through an entire cycle to get the story.
  • Julian P.
    Julian PaulMayo 27, 2012
    If you go with a group, DO NOT try to stay together. It's best to have individual experiences, compare notes afterwards. Don't bring your phone in, don't check the time, don't try to see everything!
  • Official H.
    Official HankJulio 13, 2011
    If you love the 30's/speakeasy vibe you will be in heaven! I fun NYC night! Attend, wonder, and follow the actors tracks as quickly as you can!!
  • eric
    ericFebrero 10, 2014
    All the candies are edible in the candy room. Try till your heart's content.
  • Y Y.
    Y YEnero 2, 2016
    Get in there as soon as the show opens and don't go downstairs. Start at Lobby.
  • UzoNYC
    UzoNYCMayo 25, 2014
    If you can, do a little prep beforehand; otherwise, you end up watching the same things and missing all the nudity like I did.
  • Vinicius V.
    Vinicius VacantiSeptiembre 4, 2011
    If you want to see the rave scene, it's on the 4th floor. The room is at the end of a long, very narrow hallway. If you see the three witches on that floor, stock with them and they'll lead you there
  • Ira B.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Ira BSeptiembre 21, 2014
    Amazing performance and extremely interactive and in depth.
  • Lin H.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Lin HumphreyMarzo 23, 2014
    One of the best investments of an evening. Still haunted by this experience.
  • Adriano S.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Adriano SoledadeFebrero 6, 2018
    Sleep no more é uma das melhores experiências off-broadway
  • Lana C.
    Lana ChanSeptiembre 3, 2013
    You can eat the candy in the 4th floor candy store. Go ahead and open the jars
  • Mikahla V.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Mikahla VicinoSeptiembre 14, 2017
    It's true what they say, Sleep No More is an unparalleled experience. Prepare for one of the most memorable nights of your life.
  • AJ P.
    AJ ParkerMayo 5, 2012
    Separate from your friends! It's easier to run after people and you can share your unique experience later. The red witch is my favorite - we got some one on one time and it was unforgettable!
  • Billy H.
    Billy HenehanJunio 16, 2011
    Wear black & white and dress nicely. You'll look cooler and blend into the show. Leave the cargo shorts and day-glo shirt home.
  • George W.
    George WeisgerberFebrero 3, 2013
    Read Macbeth before you visit and book a reservation with an early "check in" time. It will be a long night. But totally worth it!!!
  • Spotted by Locals - city guides by locals
    The only other advice I can give you…wear comfortable shoes. Leer más
  • Kathryn Y.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Kathryn YuMayo 22, 2011
    Ha estado aquí más de 10 veces
    Wear good shoes, contact lenses instead of glasses, and dress lightly. Be prepared to go up and down several flights of stairs. And follow the man with the bloodstains on his clothing.
  • Kat
    KatNoviembre 27, 2011
    Advice for the light at heart and feet; wear flats! You're in for some chasing. Try not to miss this very original play, you will not be disappointed!
  • S T.
    S TJunio 2, 2012
    Don't try and stick together as a group. This is a solo adventure and it's obnoxious trying to navigate around couples holding hands walking around. You paid $95 for the ticket just go enjoy it.
  • Adrienne D.
    Adrienne DDiciembre 12, 2011
    Ha estado aquí más de 10 veces
    If you are going with friends make sure to lose each other as soon as you get inside - also don't forget to lose yourself too :)
  • Lupin C.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Lupin CamposEnero 23, 2015
    This is like nothing I lived before! Get there as early as you can! Enjoy the whole show 3 times!
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