47 things YOU should do at Iowa!
Kinnick Stadium is one of 47 things YOU should do at Iowa!.

1. Kinnick Stadium

825 Stadium Dr, Iowa City, IA
Cancha universitaria de fútbol · 59 tips y reseñas

The University of IowaThe University of Iowa: Touch the statue of Nile Kinnick for good luck on your way into Kinnick Stadium!

Museum of Natural History is one of 47 things YOU should do at Iowa!.

2. Museum of Natural History

10 Macbride Hall (University of Iowa), Iowa City, IA
Museo · 4 tips y reseñas

The University of IowaThe University of Iowa: Rusty the Giant Sloth makes his home at the UI Museum of Natural History, and delights visitors of all ages by teaching us about life in the Ice Age (and dressing up for special occasions!)

Bijou Theater (IMU) is one of 47 things YOU should do at Iowa!.

3. Bijou Theater (IMU)

154 Iowa Memorial Un, Iowa City, IA
Teatro universitario · 6 tips y reseñas

The University of IowaThe University of Iowa: Catching a movie at the Bijou Theatre is a staple of the Iowa experience. Come see for yourself why so many students say it’s one of their favorite things to do on campus. Concessions for $1.

The Pentacrest is one of 47 things YOU should do at Iowa!.

4. The Pentacrest

21 Old Capitol (at Iowa Ave), Iowa City, IA
Patio interior universitario · 12 tips y reseñas

The University of IowaThe University of Iowa: Study (or take a nap) on the Pentacrest!

Old Capitol is one of 47 things YOU should do at Iowa!.

5. Old Capitol

21 North Clinton St., Iowa City, IA
Museo histórico · 15 tips y reseñas

The University of IowaThe University of Iowa: Take a tour today! The historical Old Capitol is the focal point of the University of Iowa. After state government was moved to Des Moines, it became the first building owned by the University!

Recreation Building is one of 47 things YOU should do at Iowa!.

6. Recreation Building

930 Stadium Drive, Iowa City, IA
Gimnasio universitario · 3 tips y reseñas

The University of IowaThe University of Iowa: Go to the pre-game pep rally at the Rec Building with the UI Marching Band before home football games!

UI President's Residence is one of 47 things YOU should do at Iowa!.

7. UI President's Residence

102 Church St, Iowa City, IA
Edificio universitario administrativo · 2 tips y reseñas

The University of IowaThe University of Iowa: Get your picture taken with UI President Sally Mason.

UI Athletics Hall of Fame is one of 47 things YOU should do at Iowa!.

8. UI Athletics Hall of Fame

2425 Prairie Meadow Drive, Iowa City, IA
Facultad y universidad · Weber · 3 tips y reseñas

The University of IowaThe University of Iowa: Get a sense of Hawkeye tradition and an appreciation for our history. You’ll undoubtedly attend an athletic event while at Iowa; this will give you a taste of what’s in store!

Cambus Office is one of 47 things YOU should do at Iowa!.

9. Cambus Office

100 Stadium Drive, Iowa City, IA
Edificio universitario administrativo · 2 tips y reseñas

The University of IowaThe University of Iowa: Get lost by taking the WRONG Cambus!

IMU Main Lounge is one of 47 things YOU should do at Iowa!.

10. IMU Main Lounge

154 Iowa Memorial Un (Madison Street and Market Street), Iowa City, IA
Universidad · 10 tips y reseñas

The University of IowaThe University of Iowa: Go to a concert put on by SCOPE!

Hubbard Park is one of 47 things YOU should do at Iowa!.

11. Hubbard Park

100 W Iowa Ave (at N Madison St), Iowa City, IA
Universidad · 7 tips y reseñas

The University of IowaThe University of Iowa: Join in a pick-up game of flag football or frisbee!

12. Iowa City, IA

Ciudad · 14 tips y reseñas

The University of IowaThe University of Iowa: Get your picture taken with Herky!

UCC Recital Hall 1670 is one of 47 things YOU should do at Iowa!.

13. UCC Recital Hall 1670

Old Capitol Mall, Iowa City, IA
Lugar de artes interpretativas · 2 tips y reseñas

The University of IowaThe University of Iowa: Join us for an upcoming recital!

14. Old Capitol

21 North Clinton St., Iowa City, IA
Museo histórico · 15 tips y reseñas

The University of IowaThe University of Iowa: Take a picture on the Old Capitol steps in your cap and gown!

Carver-Hawkeye Arena is one of 47 things YOU should do at Iowa!.

15. Carver-Hawkeye Arena

1 Elliott Dr (Hawkins Dr), Iowa City, IA
Estadio universitario · 24 tips y reseñas

The University of IowaThe University of Iowa: Check at a Hawkeye Sporting event at Carver-Hawkeye Arena! Home to the basketball, women's volleyball, and wrestling teams!

Iowa Memorial Union is one of 47 things YOU should do at Iowa!.

16. Iowa Memorial Union

N Madison St (at W Jefferson St), Iowa City, IA
Centro de estudiantes · 27 tips y reseñas

The University of IowaThe University of Iowa: Join a student organization! Get involved with Dance Marathon, The 10k Show, or another service-based organization.

Theatre Building is one of 47 things YOU should do at Iowa!.

17. Theatre Building

248 N Riverside Dr, Iowa City, IA
Teatro universitario · 3 tips y reseñas

The University of IowaThe University of Iowa: Attend "No Shame" Theatre! (http://www.noshame.org)

18. Old Capitol

21 North Clinton St., Iowa City, IA
Museo histórico · 15 tips y reseñas

The University of IowaThe University of Iowa: Kiss someone on the steps of the Old Capitol!

Finkbine Golf Course is one of 47 things YOU should do at Iowa!.

19. Finkbine Golf Course

1380 Melrose Ave (at Mormon Trek Blvd), Iowa City, IA
Campo de golf · 3 tips y reseñas

The University of IowaThe University of Iowa: Attend a Hawkeye Golf Tournament!

UI Academic Advising Center is one of 47 things YOU should do at Iowa!.

20. UI Academic Advising Center

C210 Pomerantz Center, Iowa City, IA
Facultad y universidad · 1 tip

The University of IowaThe University of Iowa: Get to know your advisor!

Main Library is one of 47 things YOU should do at Iowa!.

21. Main Library

125 W Washington St (University of Iowa), Iowa City, IA
Biblioteca universitaria · 13 tips y reseñas

The University of IowaThe University of Iowa: Study in every library on campus!

Sciences Library is one of 47 things YOU should do at Iowa!.

22. Sciences Library

120 East Iowa Ave, Iowa City, IA
Biblioteca universitaria · 1 tip

The University of IowaThe University of Iowa: Look for the feature exhibit on display each month and don’t forget our wonderful bean bag chairs on the second and third floor!

University Book Store is one of 47 things YOU should do at Iowa!.

23. University Book Store

201 S Clinton St (Old Capitol Town Centre), Iowa City, IA
Librería universitaria · 5 tips y reseñas

The University of IowaThe University of Iowa: Wear an IOWA shirt while away from the state! Get your gear here!

Iowa Memorial Union is one of 47 things YOU should do at Iowa!.

24. Iowa Memorial Union

N Madison St (at W Jefferson St), Iowa City, IA
Centro de estudiantes · 27 tips y reseñas

The University of IowaThe University of Iowa: Feed the ducks behind the IMU!

25. Duane Banks Baseball Stadium

1100 Hawkins Drive, Iowa City, IA
Diamante universitario de béisbol · 3 tips y reseñas

The University of IowaThe University of Iowa: Cheer on the Hawkeye baseball team!

26. Kinnick Stadium

825 Stadium Dr, Iowa City, IA
Cancha universitaria de fútbol · 59 tips y reseñas

The University of IowaThe University of Iowa: Buy a "Big Turkey Leg" from Chuck before an Iowa football game

Hardin Library for the Health Sciences is one of 47 things YOU should do at Iowa!.

27. Hardin Library for the Health Sciences

600 Newton Rd, Iowa City, IA
Biblioteca universitaria · 8 tips y reseñas

The University of IowaThe University of Iowa: Study in Hardin Library!

Adler Journalism Building is one of 47 things YOU should do at Iowa!.

28. Adler Journalism Building

140 W Washington St (at Madison St), Iowa City, IA
Edificio universitario de comunicaciones · 5 tips y reseñas

The University of IowaThe University of Iowa: Read the Daily Iowan and watch DITV!

Phillips Hall is one of 47 things YOU should do at Iowa!.

29. Phillips Hall

200 N. Clinton Street (E Jefferson & Iowa), Iowa City, IA
Edificio universitario académico · 12 tips y reseñas

The University of IowaThe University of Iowa: Experience a cultural event! Phillips Hall is home of the Division of World Languages, Literatures & Cultures.

Iowa Memorial Union is one of 47 things YOU should do at Iowa!.

30. Iowa Memorial Union

N Madison St (at W Jefferson St), Iowa City, IA
Centro de estudiantes · 27 tips y reseñas

The University of IowaThe University of Iowa: Attend a Campus Activities Board comedian or movie night!

Carver-Hawkeye Arena is one of 47 things YOU should do at Iowa!.

31. Carver-Hawkeye Arena

1 Elliott Dr (Hawkins Dr), Iowa City, IA
Estadio universitario · 24 tips y reseñas

The University of IowaThe University of Iowa: GRADUATE from The University of Iowa!

32. Iowa City, IA

Ciudad · 14 tips y reseñas

The University of IowaThe University of Iowa: Study Abroad!

Burge Residence Hall is one of 47 things YOU should do at Iowa!.

33. Burge Residence Hall

301 N. Clinton St (University of Iowa), Iowa City, IA
Residencia universitaria de estudiantes · 12 tips y reseñas

The University of IowaThe University of Iowa: Live in BURGE!

Mayflower Residence Hall is one of 47 things YOU should do at Iowa!.

34. Mayflower Residence Hall

1110 N Dubuque St, Iowa City, IA
Residencia universitaria de estudiantes · 6 tips y reseñas

The University of IowaThe University of Iowa: Live in MAYFLOWER!

Hillcrest Residence Hall is one of 47 things YOU should do at Iowa!.

35. Hillcrest Residence Hall

100 Hillcrest Hall (Grand & Byington), Iowa City, IA
Residencia universitaria de estudiantes · 6 tips y reseñas

The University of IowaThe University of Iowa: Live in HILLCREST!

Parklawn Residence Hall is one of 47 things YOU should do at Iowa!.

36. Parklawn Residence Hall

447 N Riverside Dr (Park Rd), Iowa City, IA
Apartamento o piso · 1 tip

The University of IowaThe University of Iowa: Live in PARKLAWN!

Currier Residence Hall is one of 47 things YOU should do at Iowa!.

37. Currier Residence Hall

413 N Clinton St, Iowa City, IA
Residencia universitaria de estudiantes · 7 tips y reseñas

The University of IowaThe University of Iowa: Live in CURRIER!

Quadrangle Residence Hall is one of 47 things YOU should do at Iowa!.

38. Quadrangle Residence Hall

310 Grand Ave (University of Iowa), Iowa City, IA
Residencia universitaria de estudiantes · 4 tips y reseñas

The University of IowaThe University of Iowa: Live in QUAD!

Stanley Residence Hall is one of 47 things YOU should do at Iowa!.

39. Stanley Residence Hall

10 E Davenport Street, Iowa City, IA
Residencia universitaria de estudiantes · 2 tips y reseñas

The University of IowaThe University of Iowa: Live in STANLEY!

Daum Residence Hall is one of 47 things YOU should do at Iowa!.

40. Daum Residence Hall

Iowa City, IA
Residencia universitaria de estudiantes · 3 tips y reseñas

The University of IowaThe University of Iowa: Live in DAUM!

Slater Residence Hall is one of 47 things YOU should do at Iowa!.

41. Slater Residence Hall

325 Grand Ave (University of Iowa), Iowa City, IA
Residencia universitaria de estudiantes · 3 tips y reseñas

The University of IowaThe University of Iowa: Live in SLATER!

42. MacBride Raptor Center

2095 Mehaffey Bridge Rd NE, Solon, IA
Oficina · 2 tips y reseñas

The University of IowaThe University of Iowa: Visit the Raptor Center at MacBride!