Club de rock · Northeast Minneapolis · 4 tips y reseñas
Tracy Lee: Come see the Monday Night Comedy Show hosted by the one and only Andrew 'Danger' Brynildson. $4 cover, $1.25 tacos, strong drinks, and lots of laughs at 8:00pm.
Restaurante con show humorístico · East Bloomington · 19 tips y reseñas
Tracy Lee: Come see nationally touring comedians every weekend and check out Hit or Miss Tuesdays (8pm) to see our local guys and gals make good.
801 Sibley Memorial Hwy (35E & Hwy 13), Saint Paul, MN
Restaurante con show humorístico · 15 tips y reseñas
Tracy Lee: Always great shows every weekend. Wednesday is OPEN MIC NIGHT The best and brightest local talent (and some train wrecks). 8 p.m.
Tracy Lee: Join Corey Adam for the Revolution every Sunday night at 10 p.m. 2 for 1 drink specials and some of the funniest people around.