Wai Hong Fong

Wai Hong Fong


Melbourne, Australia
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  • Petaling Jaya
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Wai Hong Fong
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Wai Hong Fong
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    "The people here are the happiest people in the world!"
    Wai Hong FongWai Hong Fong · Noviembre 28, 2014
    Startup de tecnología
    · Petaling Jaya, Malasia
    "Wednesday 6pm neighborhood nights are on the 10th floor!"
    Wai Hong FongWai Hong Fong · Septiembre 29, 2010
    Apartamento o piso
    · Carlton, Australia
    "Every Wednesday at 6pm the neighborhood gathers for food, meeting your neighbors and asking life's big questions."
    Wai Hong FongWai Hong Fong · Septiembre 29, 2010
    Apartamento o piso
    · Carlton, Australia