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Boston Athenaeum

Boston Athenaeum

Biblioteca y Museo de arte
Beacon Hill, Boston
  • Tips
    BU Today
    "art and architecture tour (excursiones) on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 3 p."(6 Tips)
    Andy R.
    "quiet (tranquilo) place away from home"(3 Tips)
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  • Elyse E.
    Elyse EstradaOctubre 7, 2016
    Find a small publication bound in leathery light gray material. Titled Narrative of the Life of James Allen, it is a well-preserved book bound in the skin of its author.
  • Kaitlinicono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    KaitlinEnero 19, 2016
    If you love books, take a free Art & Architecture tour, offered several times throughout the week. It's such a beautiful place full of history, worth taking a look!
    Votación a favor hace {14}Dec {Mayo30}, {2014}2024
  • Aliicono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    AliNoviembre 15, 2017
    My most favorite place in Boston. Annual membership is a bit high. But their lending policies is VERY generous. The building itself is a marvel, and the staff are wonderful.
  • A S.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    A SAbril 14, 2018
    Gorgeous space. They take you on a free tour if you sign up. Call the number on their website, there are a few tours every month.
  • BU Today
    BU TodayJunio 11, 2012
    The athenaeum is a members-only library, so visitors are allowed only on the first floor, but you can take a guided art and architecture tour on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 3 p.m. Leer más
  • Boston.com
    Boston.comMayo 16, 2012
    It costs money to join, but this private library offers free tours of its treasures on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 3 p.m. Reservations required. Meet at the circulation desk. 617-227-0270, ext. 279 Leer más
  • IWalked Audio Tours
    IWalked Audio ToursSeptiembre 22, 2011
    1 of 16 libraries in US that require membership. Inside resides a book by convicted killer James Allen (aka The Highway Man) who had his life's tale bound in his own skin. More info via blog.<LINK> Leer más
  • Andy R.
    Andy RoebuckMarzo 4, 2010
    live in Beacon Hill or Back Bay and want to have a quiet place away from home to read, relax, work? Then join the Boston Atheneum on Beacon St- a private library that's as old as Boston itself. Leer más
  • Holly D.
    Holly DDiciembre 15, 2018
    Magical place. Worth the tour!
  • Scoutmob
    ScoutmobNoviembre 28, 2011
    The Boston Athenaeum library holds "sneak thief" James Allen's memoir--bound in human skin.
  • Landon H.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Landon HowellAbril 11, 2015
    Ha estado aquí más de 5 veces
    Head to the 5th floor for peace and quiet.
  • SchoolandUniversity.com
    SchoolandUniversity.comOctubre 23, 2013
    I'vent seen such large resources.! too good! Leer más
  • Richard W.
    Richard WardNoviembre 20, 2009
    Fire up the laptop (wifi) on the hidden balcony on the second floor overlooking the cemetery. Realize how lucky you are. Leer más
  • Jason W.
    Jason WinmillMayo 3, 2013
    Awesome resource.
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