Poetri Smith

Poetri Smith


Poet/Actor/Writer/CEO of Spoken Funk every 1st Sunday of the month/sexiest man alive. See me LIVE @Spokenfunk. Also rep Amusement Park Entertainment

North Hollywood, CA
  • 12 tips
  • 216 seguidores
  • 189 siguiendo
  • 2 Listas
Listas de Poetri en Todas las ciudades
  • North Hollywood
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  • Rancho Cucamonga
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  • Upland
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Las mejores ciudades de Poetri
North Hollywood
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Los Angeles
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Rancho Cucamonga
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Las Vegas
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1 Tip
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Poetri Smith
2 lugares actualizados
2 lugares incluyendo Tate and Partners, Tate and Partners
Poetri Smith
2 lugares actualizados
2 lugares incluyendo Spoken Funk, Amusement Park Entertainment
    "It was awesome! Spoken Funk is the business!!!"
    Poetri SmithPoetri Smith · Junio 18, 2014
    Restaurante con show humorístico
    · North Hollywood, Estados Unidos
    "One of the coolest hidden gems in the city. The whole vibe is a 60's kind of a feel with a modern edge. Really loved the two bands that performed tonight, Kula and Home. Will definitely visit again."
    Poetri SmithPoetri Smith · Diciembre 14, 2013
    Lugar de música
    · San Fernando Valley, Estados Unidos
    "This place and day was off the chain. Beautiful people and great food. I highly recommend it."
    Poetri SmithPoetri Smith · Agosto 18, 2013
    Galería de arte
    · Rancho Cucamonga, Estados Unidos
    "The absolute hottest place to be on August 4th is SPOKEN FUNK. Poetry and Comedy and Games and surprises. Get your tickets now at Spokenfunk.com"
    Poetri SmithPoetri Smith · Julio 21, 2013
    Restaurante con show humorístico
    · North Hollywood, Estados Unidos
    "The tip is...watch this video and give Poetri a dollar next time you see him. http://youtu.be/qa9MM20Y41s?hd=1"
    Poetri SmithPoetri Smith · Agosto 3, 2012
    Parque de atracciones
    · Estados Unidos
    "Who let Esther be the Mayor? New Rule: Whoever is the Mayor, we must give a hug everyday."
    Poetri SmithPoetri Smith · Junio 12, 2012
    Parque de atracciones
    · Estados Unidos