Melly Nagel

Melly Nagel


26 yo traveling merchandiser in NorCal

Sacramento, CA
  • 18 tips
  • 73 seguidores
  • 115 siguiendo
  • 8 Listas

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Las mejores ciudades de Melly
1 Lista creada
Elk Grove
4 Listas creadas · 1 Tip
1 Tip
1 Tip
2 Listas creadas
6 Listas creadas · 11 Tips
Angels Camp
2 Tips
San Jose
1 Tip
1 Tip
Melly Nagel
5 lugares actualizados Julio 14, 2013
5 lugares incluyendo California State Fair, Burger Inn, Esquire IMAX Theatre, Cupcake Craving
Melly Nagel
2 lugares actualizados Octubre 24, 2012
2 lugares incluyendo SACRT Wyndham & Valley Hi Bus Stop, E-Tran / SacRT Main Transfer
Melly Nagel
19 lugares actualizados Febrero 5, 2013
19 lugares incluyendo Cosumnes River College Recital Hall, Cosumnes River College Cafeteria, Admissions Office (CRC), The Hungry Hawk CRC
Melly Nagel
25 lugares actualizados Abril 23, 2014
25 lugares incluyendo Hinoka Sushi, KFC, Taco Bell, Denny's
Melly Nagel
6 lugares actualizados Diciembre 22, 2012
6 lugares incluyendo Nagel/Pine Home, Melly's House, Caulfield Drive, Voting at 8355 Arroyo Vista Dr
Melly Nagel
21 lugares actualizados Diciembre 22, 2012
21 lugares incluyendo Freeport Boulevard & Pocket Road / Meadowview Road, Stockton Boulevard & Mack Road / Elsie Avenue, Bruceville Road & Big Horn Boulevard, Florin Road & Franklin Boulevard
Listas de MellyListas que Melly creóListas que Melly siguió
"This food is absolutely delicious and the staff is so friendly. My family and I have been coming here for years and they always remember us 😊"
Melly NagelMelly Nagel · Mayo 24, 2020
· Sacramento, Estados Unidos
"This place is dirty, avoid avoid avoid. They don't wipe down anything, even table tops, the bathtub had a damn pube in the soap rack."
Melly NagelMelly Nagel · Enero 21, 2019
· San José, Estados Unidos
"This is for 7820 Amherst, don't check in if you don't live here please."
Melly NagelMelly Nagel · Abril 8, 2014
Casa (privada)
· Sacramento, Estados Unidos
"Lots of friendly farmers selling at great prices. Not just stands for fruits and veggies, also homemade oils, pastries, breads, and other yummy stuff. On Sunday, ends at 3pm."
Melly NagelMelly Nagel · Agosto 12, 2013
Mercado de productos de granja
· Modesto, Estados Unidos
"Absolutely delicious food. I stuck to the basics and got chicken chow mein and my friend got meat sauce noodles which was a spicier dish."
Melly NagelMelly Nagel · Agosto 12, 2013
· Angels Camp, Estados Unidos
"It was absolutely beautiful here, then again I do enjoy happy people, nature, and being away from big cities."
Melly NagelMelly Nagel · Agosto 12, 2013
· Estados Unidos