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Restaurante italiano€€€€
Jordaan, Amsterdam
  • Tips
    Lassi K.
    "wrong with the pasta (pasta) of the day."(2 Tips)
    Sharon B.
    "The best (sicilian (siciliana)) italian restaurant in town!"(2 Tips)
Icono de consejos y reseñas13 Tips y reseñas
  • buen servicio
  • siciliana
  • puebla
  • cocineros
  • restaurante
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  • Kristian B.
    Kristian ByeSeptiembre 16, 2017
    Amazing food and the kind of friendly service you only get in family owned local restaurants. Thank you for an unforgettable evening. Highly recommended!
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  • Brian I.
    Brian IssacMayo 19, 2013
    Nice and cosy restaurant with Italian service. Carpaccio and tartufo were great. Pinot Grigio was very nice too. Fish dish was disappointing, but after telling them it was resolved quickly.
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  • Bart B.
    Bart BosmanDiciembre 8, 2010
    Tagliatelle met kwartel: aanrader! De tagliatelle met worstevlees naar recept van slagerij Zichicchi in San Vito lo Capo. Dat je t weet. Vooraf de salade met halve kreeft mocht er ook zijn.
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  • Sharon B.
    Sharon Beck-CarrollJunio 13, 2010
    The best (sicilian) italian restaurant in town! need to book in advance! it's cosy little restaurant!"little Italy in the heart of the Jordaan" Leer más
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  • Menso H.
    Menso HeusDiciembre 1, 2013
    Ha estado aquí más de 5 veces
    Doesn't really matter what you order, everything is absolutely delicious!
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  • Georgios A.
    Ask for the lobster pasta. Not on menu but delish! 👌
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  • Niels B.
    Niels BenschopJunio 1, 2011
    Love the passion and fights between the chef and his wife! And the food + wines are great!
    Votación a favor1Votación en contra
  • Lassi K.
    Lassi KurkijärviOctubre 3, 2011
    Sicilian food; you probably won't go wrong with the pasta of the day. Leer más
    Votación a favor3Votación en contra
  • olav g.
    olav grotenhuisOctubre 19, 2011
    The food makes up for the less than inspiring interior and the underwhelming wine list (if you can call it that).But the food warrants your return.
    Votación a favor1Votación en contra
  • Gonny Z.
    Gonny Zwaag, van derJulio 10, 2015
    Sloooooow service. Food is OK, but rather pricey for what you get.
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  • ShimonBenAyoun S.
    Terrible service, don't get served by the owner, she is so terrible and not friendly!!
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  • Antal R.
    Antal Rush HourEnero 2, 2011
    ++ Italian
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  • Tim H.
    Tim HeinekeJulio 17, 2009
    one of the best restaurants in town
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