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Hart Senate Building

Edificio del Capitolio
Northeast Washington, Washington
  • Tips
    Tamara H.
    "Chuck Schumer's office (oficinas)"(4 Tips)
    Kevin C.
    "The Cloud part of the lobby sculpture (escultura) is gone now."(2 Tips)
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  • Architect of the Capitol (AOC)
    The Hart Senate Office Building is the third office structure designed and built to serve the United States Senate, it adjoins the Dirksen Senate Office Building Leer más
    Votación a favor13Votación en contra
  • Patrick
    PatrickJulio 9, 2014
    If you disagree with any senator just simply call and yell at their interns! It always changes their minds!
    Votación a favor6Votación en contra
  • Chris S.
    Chris SheehyJulio 6, 2015
    Tours of the U.S Capital from the Senator Reed's office (all U.S. Senators I assume) includes a traveling via underground passageways and using an underground tram to travel from building to building.
    Votación a favor4Votación en contra
  • lilmsbossypants
    lilmsbossypantsAgosto 9, 2011
    Ha estado aquí más de 100 veces
    There is a great view of the US Capitol building from the 9th floor of the Hart. Great for watching fireworks.
    Votación a favor3Votación en contra
  • C-SPAN
    C-SPANJulio 12, 2010
    The Senate Judiciary Committee meets in Hart. Here’s a video of Senator Specter (D-PA) and Solicitor General Kagan discussing openness at the Supreme Court during the recent confirmation hearing. Leer más
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  • Kevin C.
    Kevin CainFebrero 25, 2019
    Ha estado aquí más de 25 veces
    The Cloud part of the lobby sculpture is gone now. Swayed too much during the earthquake!
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  • Charicono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    CharJunio 14, 2024
    Pretty nice inside, lots of places to sit and chill
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  • Biz T.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Biz TraveldudeNoviembre 7, 2015
    The 'newest' of the Senate Office buildings, home of NY's pit bull, Chuck Schumer
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  • Blakeicono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    BlakeFebrero 6, 2016
    Check out the cafeteria, it's really nice
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  • Ghosts of DC
    Ghosts of DCAbril 10, 2012
    Everything You Wanted to Know About the Hart Senate Office Building http://wp.me/p26kcb-18T
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  • Aicono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    AAbril 19, 2018
    Beauty of an office building.
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  • Jobs Not Cuts
    Jobs Not CutsEnero 20, 2013
    Stand w/ @BarackObama: Protect Medicare, Medicaid & Education - Support #JobsNotCuts - http://bit.ly/XqraM9
    Votación a favor5Votación en contra
  • Gary L. S.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Gary L. Shaw IIIOctubre 4, 2018
    What’s good
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  • Miguel L.
    Miguel LiceaAgosto 8, 2013
    Warning security guards everywhere in DC are rude. Don't touch anything, use light in dark places, eat drink or be happy. Oh don't ask them anything cus they don't know shit.
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  • Kellen M.
    Kellen MooreJunio 5, 2012
    Ha estado aquí más de 100 veces
    Only the North elevators go to the 9th floor (aside from one South service elevator).
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  • Mike P.
    Mike PanettaFebrero 25, 2010
    Go tell your Senators to support giving the people of the District of Columbia full voting representation in Congress. Leer más
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  • Tamara H.
    Tamara HoltMarzo 21, 2012
    Chuck Schumer's office
    Votación a favor1Votación en contra
  • Carrie W.
    Carrie WinansFebrero 17, 2012
    Ha estado aquí más de 5 veces
    Learn what elevators get you where!
    Votación a favor1Votación en contra
  • Linda M.
    Linda MiklowitzAbril 24, 2013
    Hanging sculpture in lobby
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  • Jeff Q.
    Jeff QuintonJulio 28, 2010
    While you're here, be sure to go by and tell your Senators to vote against Elena Kagan.
    Votación a favorVotación en contra
  • Erin K.
    Erin Kirk-CuomoNoviembre 15, 2011
    Fiscal responsibility without sequestration!!
    Votación a favorVotación en contra
  • Tony F.
    Tony FlemingMarzo 12, 2012
    Ha estado aquí más de 5 veces
    Tell your Senators to support full and on-time payment of our UN dues. It pays back $4.50 in contracts to American worker for every dollar.
    Votación a favorVotación en contra1
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