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La Mexicana

Restaurante mexicano$$$$
  • Tips
    A M.
    "Yummy burritos (burrito) but very slow service."(2 Tips)
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  • comida mejicana
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  • Fabiola
    FabiolaEnero 10, 2013
    The mini Corn Empanadas, made w/ corn flour, are cute & tasty. 4 per serving (2 stuffed w/ chorizo & potato, & 2 w/ Oaxaca cheese). Try holding 1 all in your hand! ~Richmond Hill Post, Aug '12
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  • A M.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    A MiRDiciembre 29, 2013
    Yummy burritos but very slow service. It sometimes takes more than an hour to prepare the food. Remember to reserve because the place is busy and you may not be able to find a seat.
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  • Renée T.
    Renée TanakaMayo 16, 2012
    The enchiladas are amazing! Can't wait to come back and try more!
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  • Lee D.
    Lee DaleAbril 16, 2010
    The $9.99 lunch of the day is a steal. Soup, entree and desert all in. Yums!
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  • Joel S.
    Joel SilverFebrero 10, 2010
    Food is good. Try spicy salsa and bean burritos.
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  • Kristie
    KristieSeptiembre 7, 2012
    So so so SO yummy!
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