Si tienes mas de 4 horas de escala te dan un vale de comida gratis en el mpatrador de Emirates de la planta 1. Al lado de las puertas de embarque hay unas sillas-sofas donde se esta de lujo !!
Cantidades infernales de gente, incluso a las 4 AM. Hay duchas muy limpias en la terminal, así que sí vienes con el alerón on fire después de un viaje largo estás salvado.
Dubai is a city of superlatives. The places of interest are bigger, more fantastic and more impressive than anywhere else in the world. Experience the city with our Lufthansa Travel Guide for Dubai. Leer más
Хороший аэропорт. В наличие: быстрый и безлимитный интернет, 3 курилки, большое количество ресторанчиков и очень толково расположенные магазины со всякой всячиной (алкоголь, сигареты, парфюм...)
Oldukça geniş ve büyük bir hava limanı görevliler ilgili levhalar yeterince açıklayıcı ve en güzel yanı free WiFi sanirim abu Dabi'nin bize en güzel kıyağı 😄
Terminals 1 (all airlines) and 3 (emirates) are huge so prepare yourselves for some walking! Facilities are amazing and the duty free has everything u'll need. Terminal 2 (fly dubai) is small and old.
Very cleanairport. Fantastic food options. Alcohol is served at the airport. No flight announcements which keeps the airportpeaceful. Just don't miss your flight!
Best airport in the Middle East . Customer service is always at hand. Getting here after departing from Riyadh is like arriving in an oasis after wandering in a desert
Gigantesco!! Porém muito organizado! O free shopping é enorme, muitos restaurantes e muita gente também! Falta lugar para sentar e descansar!super moderno a arquitetura!
До центра города проще всего добраться на метро - напротив терминалов 1 и 3, станции красной линии, на территории терминала 3 – станция синей линии. Номера автобусов идущих в город 4,11,15,33,44 и 2
Shopping mall meets airport meets architectural marvel. Just be sure which terminal you're coming in to or out of. FlyDubai is Terminal 2 & is NOT connected!
WiFi, ATMs, duty free, kids area, baggage storage, prayer rooms, showers, pharmacies, lounges, cafes and restaurants.. and many other services and facilities.
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Votación a favor hace {14}Dec {Mayo28}, {2014}2024
Epey büyük bir havaalanı,free WiFi olması süper,freeshopları Türkiye'ye göre daha uygun,ama içerisindeki bistro tarzı yerlerden pek birşey yemeyin derim,iki tosta 25 dolar veriyorsunuz yoksa...