Once you get past the annoying customers in front of you and the fact that the store smells like someone just mowed the back forty, this place has a very helpful staff. The smoothies bring me back..
Feeling like ur getting a cold? Grab a Cold Kicker juice from the fridge + order a lrg Cold + Sinus shot. Get an orange wedge 2 temper the burn of the cayenne. Sip sip hooray! Ur on ur way 2 recovery!
Had the green detox #2. Blech. Takes just like Kale! Who wants that? The art of making a smoothie is to reduce or remove the kale flavor by adding other ingredients. Earth Bar doesn't have the skills.
This place has the best veggie drinks, smoothies, and supplements! Try the Acai Bowl and add golden berries, it's delicious. Also, tons of vitamins.. had a cold and zapped it with natural stuff!
This place has been slacking lately! Make sure they don't forget to make your drink! Its happened to me several times & others! Don't tip till afterward.
Conveniently located but the dry cleaners eats up most of the parking spaces. Route66 Santa Monica Bl @ Flores. Across street from Gelsons Market and Basix Cafe'