Got free WiFi and halal restaurants. And if you're searching for the different flavoured (other than Matcha) Japanese Kit Kats, you can get them here ^^ You could also shop for last minute souvenirs.
Only thing worth noting about this airport is it's connectivity 2d city. There r multiple options 2choose from - trains, taxi, buses. It can be daunting4 1st timers so do your research b4 travel.
Lots of eating, drinking and shopping options ahead of security. But, don't worry if you miss it, 'cause you can get plenty of snacks in the terminal for the long flight ahead.
1992年開業。主にJALなど「ワンワールド」加盟航空会社のフライトが発着。隣の第3ターミナルへは徒歩10分程度でたどり着けます。Est-1992. Mainly Oneworld Carrier's flights departure from here. 10 minutes walk from here, you can arrive at Terminal 3.
if you need a place to stay overnight, just transiting, in the Arrivals level of terminal 2, you can sleep on the benches. Have ppt and flight info to hand. Police/Security keep guard.
Курс обмена валют выгодный! Лучше всего деньги поменять прямо в аэропорту. Так же здесь можно приобрести местные симкарты. Таксфри в Японии возвращают сразу в магазинах при покупке.
Japan doesn't have free wifi everywhere. But luckily airport has. It named narita-free-wifi something. And you must registered. Very simple. Just type your email address. :)
Wifi free,обменный курс на входе неаыгодный, очереди, лучше в городе или Ханеде. Чеки такс фри здесь не принимают, но полицейскоиу на Е надо показать паспорт и что везете, если покупали в городе.
Immigration is very wellorganized with very polite officers. Though efficiency is irritating low, queues are vwry long and burocracy is clearly all over the place.
There is a computer desk with multiple power sockets by gate 96. There is also a power socket in the wall by gate 98 which is conveniently located by some seats.
Only two poor lounge (IASS and T.E.I., both on landside) available by Priority Pass. If you want to enjoy free alcohol, don't choose terminal 2. In terminal 1, you can use KAL Business ClassLounge.
Free internet, private shower rooms rented by the half hour, massage an massage chairs at the gates, hairdresser, passable food... Why would you ever leave?
Airport Limosine Bus is best for door-to-door service & luggage handling.. but only if they go to/near your hotel. Narita Express takes you straight to Tokyo Station for train/shinkansen. Both 90 min.