Happy Bones Coffee

Happy Bones Coffee

(Ahora cerrado)
Cafetería y Café$$$$
NoHo, New York
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  • Avan A.
    Avan AllenOctubre 15, 2012
    wander in, get a seat and enjoy a delicious coffee while listening to great mellow tunes. it's a nice and quiet atmosphere with a store in the front.
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  • jessica m. h.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    At the back of Bond 07 by Selima sits this bookstore & coffee “speakeasy,” where those who know it exists can sip a flat white while browsing art books from Leo Fitzpatrick and Aurel Schmidt
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  • Shely S.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Shely SalemniaMarzo 10, 2013
    Ha estado aquí más de 5 veces
    When it comes to their coffee, the Kiwis definitely know what they're doing! Come for a solid cappuccino with chocolate powder on top, and a quiet and relaxing atmosphere.
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  • Project Latte: a NYC cafe culture guide
    New York's first speakeasy style coffee shop, arty, Australian-run Happy Bones is tucked away in the rear of a Bond St boutique. Wifi is available. Leer más
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  • J Crowley
    J CrowleyMayo 16, 2013
    Their small round brownie cakes are outstanding! Not always on the menu, so you have to ask for them. :)
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  • Diane
    DianeFebrero 12, 2013
    The Flat White is a delicious option. Pair it with a slice of Cinnamon Nutella Bread and you won't be disappointed.
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  • Mike S.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Mike SingletonJunio 13, 2013
    Sneaky coffee shop in the back of the eyeglass shop. Very few tables, but not too busy, good place for a meeting...or buying glasses.
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  • Maxwell Z.
    Maxwell ZOctubre 29, 2012
    No. 7 Bond St. Walk through Selima Optique to find a barista making delicious flat whites.
    Votación a favor3Votación en contra
  • Pat W.
    Pat WatsonOctubre 20, 2012
    Ha estado aquí más de 10 veces
    Try a flat white, it's a double espresso with creamy steamed milk served in a glass.
    Votación a favor5Votación en contra
  • Premshree P.
    Premshree PillaiAbril 11, 2013
    Small little cafe in the back of a boutique pulling shots of Counter Culture.
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  • Thomas H.
    Thomas HoladayAbril 28, 2013
    The whole wheat banana loaf is yummy with an espresso shot.
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  • Tamara H.
    Tamara HNoviembre 15, 2012
    The large cups and how to procure one is a mystery to me. But should you order a long black, you will not succeed.
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  • Denis S.
    Denis SosnovtsevFebrero 6, 2013
    Get a cookie. They're soft.
    Votación a favor2Votación en contra
  • The Nouveau Classical Project
    The chocolate chip cookies are soft and delicious!
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  • Dan H.
    Dan HarrisonOctubre 11, 2012
    It's hidden in the back of a store.
    Votación a favor8Votación en contra
  • Jan S.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Jan SichermannOctubre 12, 2012
    Ha estado aquí más de 5 veces
    New Zealand coffee! And it's good too
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  • Ange S.
    Ange SDiciembre 24, 2012
    Yes, it's behind a boutique. Just wander in!
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  • Lachlan D.
    Lachlan DonaldJunio 9, 2013
    New Zealand run, not Australian! Still excellent coffee.
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  • Nick P.
    Nick PatrickEnero 25, 2013
    The wi-fi password is "flatwhite"
    Votación a favor3Votación en contra
  • Drew
    DrewFebrero 23, 2013
    No drip coffee. No half&half. FYI. Cool spot, though.
    Votación a favor1Votación en contra
  • Brian G.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Brian GalgayFebrero 27, 2013
    Get a tall black. Great stuff!!!
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  • EatMeDrinkMeNYC
    EatMeDrinkMeNYCFebrero 7, 2014
    You are missed.
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