Excellent service, pennelobster rich and creamy goodness, goat cheese salad delish, crab cakes amazing, and fried chicken has a hint of cinnamon- not my cup of tea but pretty good.
Deceptitvely casual digs and colored string lights set the stage for eclectic American gourmet hits, from berry-roasted duckling to a signature steak Diane.
I was here 2 weeks ago and left a $50 tip (party of 2). I came back today (alone) and they wouldn't sit me. Didn't even try, and sort of lied to me. Really disappointing.
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Henry's End
72 Henry St (Orange St at Henry St) Brooklyn, NY11201 Estados Unidos
Henry’s End is a Brooklyn Heights neighborhood institution known... for its inviting atmosphere, seasonal menus, award winning wine list and friendly service. It’s the type of place you can bring your first date, family or friend to share a special evening.(Mostrar más)