Latte Lounge

Latte Lounge

Cafetería, Café y Café$$$$
  • Tips
    Randy D.
    "... take awhile but espresso (café expreso) is good, especially when flavored over ice"(3 Tips)
    Emma S.
    "Go with the curry chicken sandwich (sándwiches)."(3 Tips)
    M D.
    "Plain bagel toasted with cream cheese (queso crema) was tough as leather."(2 Tips)
    Yvonne U.
    "Very friendly and helpful staff (personal), super yummy food and drinks."(2 Tips)
Icono de consejos y reseñas21 Tips y reseñas
  • sándwiches
  • café
  • sándwiches de queso a la parrilla
  • chocolate caliente
  • comida saludable
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  • Emma S.
    Emma S.Octubre 22, 2012
    Ha estado aquí más de 5 veces
    Go with the curry chicken sandwich. I can't stop ordering it, especially now that it's served on raisin bread. Go read a book next door if the cafe is too crowded - worth the wait!
    Votación a favor5Votación en contra
  • Jeromy S.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Jeromy SlabyEnero 15, 2014
    Great atmosphere, friendly people, always a warm environment. Also they've been changing it up and gaining more space.
    Votación a favor3Votación en contra
  • Cassandra M.
    Cassandra MillerDiciembre 27, 2011
    Ha estado aquí más de 100 veces
    Staff is always friendly, and quite efficient for how busy it can get, especially on weekends. Free wi-fi, charming decor and smiling baristas have made for a pleasant office away from office.
    Votación a favor2Votación en contra
  • M D.
    M DiggzJulio 27, 2012
    Plain bagel toasted with cream cheese was tough as leather. Vanilla soy chai tea latte was good, but I've been spoiled by scooters so it didn't compare. The tarragon chicken salad was delicious.
    Votación a favor1Votación en contra
  • Alice S.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Alice SmithJulio 27, 2015
    There grilled cheese diped in the cheese soup thingy with hot chocolate in the winter is the best!!😍😍
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  • Yvonne U.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Yvonne UnderhillMarzo 3, 2013
    Best coffeehouse for miles. Very friendly and helpful staff, super yummy food and drinks.
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  • Rim K.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Rim KarouiSeptiembre 6, 2014
    Great and cosy atmosphere :)
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  • Jim G.
    Jim GreenbergMayo 11, 2011
    Ha estado aquí más de 25 veces
    Really nice place, owner is a great guy and by far the best coffee house in Oneonta
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  • Amy T.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Amy TremmelOctubre 12, 2014
    Horseradish cheddar cream cheese. That is all.
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  • Shelly I.
    Shelly IJunio 21, 2012
    Seems like every time i come here the place can be dead and it still takes forever to get your food. They also forget to fill parts of your order so you have to wait longer. I prefer capresso
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  • Matthew E.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Matthew EdwardsEnero 26, 2016
    Ice coffee tastes burnt same with their lattes
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  • Randy D.
    Randy DevinsOctubre 18, 2011
    Ha estado aquí más de 5 veces
    Sandwiches take awhile but espresso is good, especially when flavored over ice
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  • Jim G.
    Jim GreenbergDiciembre 23, 2011
    Ha estado aquí más de 25 veces
    Coffee is great here, best place in town
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  • Faith
    FaithOctubre 27, 2012
    Great atmosphere!! Packed in the morning!
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  • Emily B.
    Emily BradyNoviembre 10, 2012
    Ha estado aquí más de 25 veces
    The half moons are great!
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  • K.C. J.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    K.C. JonesSeptiembre 27, 2018
    Good coffee
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  • Lou L.
    Lou LioneJunio 15, 2013
    Drink coffee
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  • Louie
    LouieDiciembre 26, 2013
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  • Erin C.
    Erin CrissmanAbril 28, 2010
    Connected to the bookstore next door. An excellent combo!
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  • Kelsey O.
    Kelsey O'RourkeSeptiembre 5, 2011
    Took 45 minutes to get a bagel, The girl informed us she was purposely skipping our order. Had to say something 3 times before we got any service. Manager was not helpful what so ever.
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  • Hazen R.
    Hazen ReedSeptiembre 24, 2010
    Truffles, Mindsweeper...go, baby, go!
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