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Art House Cafe

Art House Cafe

Café y Restaurante de nueva cocina americana$$$$
Downtown Tacoma, Tacoma
  • Estrellas
    Uno de los mejores 5 Cafés en Tacoma
  • Tips
    Akua A.
    "Their brioche (brioche) French toast is amazing, their prices are not."(2 Tips)
    Brian T.
    "Great eggs Benedict, cinnamon rolls, and gluten free (comida sin gluten) pizza!"(2 Tips)
    Scott S.
    "Eggs (huevo) Benedict on the money."(2 Tips)
    John L.
    "A great place, with a cheerful staff (personal) and terrific food!"(2 Tips)
Icono de consejos y reseñas15 Tips y reseñas
  • comida sin gluten
  • pizzas sin gluten
  • minihamburguesas
  • rollo de canela
  • alimentos orgánicos
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  • Populares
  • Recientes
  • Fae N.
    Fae NOuJunio 30, 2013
    I love this place,all organic ingredients, great atmosphere.The lemonade is great...Been here twice from out of state and I'm pretty sure I'd come back.
    Votación a favor hace {14}Dec {Mayo11}, {2014}2024
  • John L.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    John L.Diciembre 30, 2019
    A great place, with a cheerful staff and terrific food! Get a seat near the kitchen counter & chat with the crew while they prepare your meal. 👍🏻
  • Shahna G.
    Shahna GloverJulio 5, 2013
    Very nice atmosphere and excellent food. They also use a great gluten free crust for the pizzas that surprisingly good.
  • Scott S.
    Scott SagonAgosto 16, 2013
    Brioche french toast rocked. Eggs Benedict on the money. Excellent service completed the package.
  • Catherine M.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Catherine Mooney-MyersSeptiembre 7, 2018
    Quinoa cakes are delicious with coconut dressing!
  • Akua A.
    Akua Asare-KonaduOctubre 15, 2014
    Their brioche French toast is amazing, their prices are not.
  • Alana F.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Alana FranklinSeptiembre 22, 2013
    Ha estado aquí más de 10 veces
    The roasted potatoes are amazing and they serve Stumptown Coffee. We will be back.
  • Michelle A.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Michelle AndersonAgosto 23, 2015
    The classic buttermilk stuffed biscuit is now officially on my last meal list.
  • Alana F.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Alana FranklinOctubre 13, 2013
    Ha estado aquí más de 10 veces
    The service was impeccable. Everytime we wanted or needed something, she was either right there with it or asking us if we needed anything.
  • Christopher B.
    Christopher BrennanAgosto 26, 2013
    Awesome staff! Try getting the lamb sliders, absolutely delicious!!
  • Brian T.
    Brian TausendJulio 3, 2013
    Great eggs Benedict, cinnamon rolls, and gluten free pizza!
  • Lauren
    LaurenAgosto 24, 2013
    Food was good but a bit expensive. Worth checking out for a special night - not necessarily an everyday eat.
  • Cat M.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Cat McNairEnero 17, 2016
    Brunch is awesome
  • Vicki H.
    Vicki HanlineMayo 11, 2013
  • Alana F.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Alana FranklinNoviembre 9, 2014
    Ha estado aquí más de 10 veces
    I've now eliminated a place to go for breakfast on a Sunday morning. The service was terrible. The food was ill-prepared and then I was told "that's how they do it here"
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