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Beurs van Berlage

Beurs van Berlage

Espacio para eventos, Centro de convenciones y Monumento
Amsterdam Centrum, Amsterdam
  • Tips
    JB A.
    "Beautiful exhibit (exposiciones) space and the tower always looks impressive."(6 Tips)
    Jonas d.
    "Great venue place for all events and conferences (conferencias)."(2 Tips)
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  • festivales
  • ferias
  • arquitectura
  • conferencias
  • convenciones
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  • Populares
  • Recientes
  • Vicki K.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Vicki KolovouJunio 12, 2016
    Impressive building with a great history. Not sure it's the best choice for an exhibition venue, although you can't beat its location right in the centre.
  • California Girlicono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    California GirlAgosto 8, 2016
    I have seen a couple of art shows here, #Banksy up now. The food is standard tourist fare. French fries only thing I could choke down. Misconstrued CLUB sammy concept. #cgliestyle
  • Kate M.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Kate MingayJunio 18, 2016
    Banksy exhibit not worth it. Just a small sample of his art (a few repeated throughout the exhibit) reproduced in prints. If you've seen his work in real life/online this won't add much more to that.
  • Peter J. Fontijn ★.
    Hier komen de 'technische' tekeningen van Da Vinci tot leven en wandel je tussen 'de producten' van de geniale man. De 1e parachute, de 1e fiets, de 1e tank... en veel meer: http://davinci.amsterdam/
  • Niels d.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Niels de J. (SU 3)Agosto 25, 2017
    Een prachtig gebouw, zowel van buiten als van binnen!
  • Gaurav S.
    Gaurav SharmaMayo 20, 2013
    try out #yummy angela's apple pie with extra cream and milk in the cafe! and then walk through the 3D world of Van Gogh! #amazing
  • The Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign
    Thank you for supporting breast cancer awareness! Did you know that the Beurs van Berlage originally served as the national stock exchange? It is now used for beautiful exhibitions and Gala dinners.
  • Cla C.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Cla ClaOctubre 19, 2022
    The best conference center I’ve been. Period.
  • JB A.
    JB AOctubre 15, 2014
    Beautiful exhibit space and the tower always looks impressive. For the longest time I thought this was just a warehouse - oops.
  • Rafael M.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Rafael MarinNoviembre 30, 2014
    Great place for conventions and events. The old stock market's remains give it a special flair.
  • Thetis T.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Thetis TAgosto 8, 2016
    Great event venue with remarkable architecture and history!
  • Elaine
    ElaineFebrero 17, 2012
    Je kan ook de gehele ruimte huren voor trainingen, seminars, workshops en events. Avond of overdag en in het weekend!
  • Jonas d.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Jonas de GrootJunio 2, 2015
    Ha estado aquí más de 10 veces
    Great venue place for all events and conferences.
  • Burak G.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Burak GökMayo 2, 2015
    Çok süper yapılar. İnsan düşünüyor nasıl muhafaza etmişler diye.
  • Ali
    AliDiciembre 24, 2014
    It is a nice place and also you can find halal food
  • Stephan t.
    Stephan ten KateAbril 13, 2012
    Ha estado aquí más de 5 veces
    De eerste gratis werkplek in het centrum van Amsterdam: lovenswaardig initiatief én goede ruimte!
  • Gio T.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Gio TheunissenOctubre 13, 2015
    Good location and good food
  • Maria B.
    Maria BeliakovaEnero 10, 2015
    Первая в Европе биржа
  • Yannick B.icono de corazón en la imagen de usuario
    Yannick BlockJunio 20, 2019
    Great event location.
  • Maarten J.
    Maarten JacobsAbril 14, 2015
    Hoe luidt de Latijnse titel van de verhandeling die de man waarvan je hier een beeld ziet, schreef?
  • Boudewijn V.
    Boudewijn VerkerkAbril 19, 2011
    Welkom @mocoam! Bezoek de Sixpack stand voor een uitdagend gesprek over apps.
  • John S.
    John SheehanMarzo 27, 2014
    Try going inside.
  • Éric F.
    Éric F.Abril 2, 2011
    Excellent point de départ quand on débarque à Amsterdam.
  • Jolanda D.
    Jolanda D.Enero 14, 2010
    Niet normaal! Exhibition is a lot of fun, sometimes horrific and sometimes surprising! Leer más
  • Jari O.
    Jari OrkolaFebrero 5, 2015
    Casual Connect second day.
  • Spotted by Locals - city guides by locals
    For its classical concerts! Leer más
  • Fred I.
    Fred IJpmaOctubre 27, 2012
    Bockbierfestival? Proost alvast.
  • Vincent A. S.
    Vincent A. SomoredjoMarzo 23, 2012
    Super flex werkplek
  • Felix L.
    Felix LepoutreFebrero 10, 2012
    Superwerkplek hier!!
  • T T.
    T TNoviembre 18, 2009
    the food here is a bit expensive for basic cafe fare but if you want a quick breakfast the scrambled eggs with some toast for €3 is not half bad
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