Impressive building with a great history. Not sure it's the best choice for an exhibition venue, although you can't beat its location right in the centre.
I have seen a couple of art shows here, #Banksy up now. The food is standard tourist fare. French fries only thing I could choke down. Misconstrued CLUB sammy concept. #cgliestyle
Banksyexhibit not worth it. Just a small sample of his art (a few repeated throughout the exhibit) reproduced in prints. If you've seen his work in real life/online this won't add much more to that.
Hier komen de 'technische' tekeningen van Da Vinci tot leven en wandel je tussen 'de producten' van de geniale man. De 1e parachute, de 1e fiets, de 1e tank... en veel meer:
Thank you for supporting breast cancer awareness! Did you know that the Beurs van Berlage originally served as the national stock exchange? It is now used for beautiful exhibitions and Gala dinners.
De Beurs van Berlage is een unieke en inspirerende locatie voor vrijwel ieder denkbaar evenement. Organiseer uw onvergetelijke congres, symposium, feest of diner in het hart van Amsterdam